Chapter No- 09

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Hello Family,

Here is the brand new chapter. This one is the shortest update till now. I was hell busy in the last week and didn't get time to write. 

Hope you all enjoyed it.

Deep Thinker.


Was it a dream...??

Was it Reality.....??

Was it true...??

Or was it a simple hallucination...??

Khushi don't know what it was. But whatever it was, she was feeling content after feeling years of separation. Like she got water after years of thirstiness. This was not true. This can not be true. 

How can it be possible ??

She must be hallucinating him again. No wonder those medicines have affected her brain pretty badly. But then why she was feeling Safe...?? That too suddenly..?? Like someone has wrapped something safe, something cozy around her..??

Something is definitely not right. 

Khushi was so lost in thinking all these things that her hands loosened on its own record from Arnav's back. She tried to move back but the same hold kept her in place. Not believing the reality she frowned and tilted her neck to see the owner of those warm hands. 

The moment her eyes landed on Arnav, her frown deepens, "What are you irritating me? Why are you here?" 

These words rolled out of her mouth before she could stop herself. Arnav understood the condition and hugged her with all his life once again. This time saying sweet nothings in her ears softly to assure that he was truly there, in front of her, all in flesh and blood. 

Whereas Khushi could not believe what she was seeing. Arnav was really there in front of her, all safe and sound. The moment her brain registered that he was there safe and sound, she again hugged him hard, while sobbing silently in his chest. 

How much she has prayed for this day....!!

They both stood there hugging each other for God knows how long. Neither Khushi broke the hug nor Arnav. They both were savoring each other presence, cherishing the moment, as if they were compensating for the lost time. Khushi's sobs died but she was still hiccuping due to excess crying. At that moment Arnav broke the hug and made her sat on the bed. Giving her a glass of water he gently caressed her hair. 

No words exchanged yet, the silence was serene as if both were trying to understand each other inner turmoil. 

"When you came?" Khushi managed to ask in a hoarse voice. 

"The moment you left to arrange our room," Arnav replied as he explained what happened. 


Arnav and Khushi both arrived at the same time in the Raizada House. The difference was only that Khushi entered inside the house, whereas Arnav stood there into the corner seeing her dull face, slumped shoulder, and defeated look.  He knows what she must be feeling. After all, he was no less in feeling the turmoil of distance right in the first month of marriage. 

People will think that they are behaving like love-sick puppies. But no. That was not the case. In the soldiers' life, love comes after life. And the family of Soldiers thinks about his life first rather than love. 

The fear of getting any negative news always hampered their mind, breaking them into pieces and destroying their sanity. Yet, nothing could match their determination. 

When Khushi was speaking about Arnav and this house, he was listening to everything from the gate without making any noise. Everyone was so focused on Khushi that they did not acknowledge his presence. And to be honest, Arnav liked it very much. The way she described their relation without his presence, was something that printed on his mind like a blueprint of the enemy state. He so wanted to run and hug her but the presence of elders will make it awkward. 

When she left, he comes out slowly. Seeing him Ratna shrieked in horror. Her eyes filled with tears as her feet automatically took her near him. She inspected his face like a mother does whenever her child got hurt. Arnav who missed her warmth hugged her close. After that, he greeted Garima and Shashi. Garima blessed him but Shashi was clearly disappointed. 

Arnav understood the reason behind his cold behavior. Even he too wanted to say so many things and clear the misunderstanding. But before that, he wanna meet Khushi. He wanted to hug her. And every single thing can wait till then. 

Without wasting another second he climbed the stairs not before telling them to wait for few minutes. 

Flashback End

"How did you get this scar..??" Khushi asked caressing his left eyebrow. 

"One terrorist stabbed me there," he replied without beating around the bush. Last time when Ratna asked he switched the topic saying, "He was proud to have this mark" but now when Khushi asked he certainly feels to tell what caused that mark. 

And he has no guilt in sharing it. 

 "Ar...." She tried to say something but Arnav kept his finger on her lips, stopping her to say further. 

"Keep quiet. And let me cherish this moment. Enjoy your presence," he said that choked Khushi's vocal cord. Surprisingly, she doesn't feel to cry more. 

On the other hand, Ratna and Garima prepared the lunch. Knowing very well that everyone will be hungry in few minutes.  They also know that Arnav and Khushi will take time to come down. After all, it was the exam of everyone in the family. 

"What have you done to yourself, Khushi?? Look at you. I left such a bubbly, healthy girl and what I am getting now. Skeleton drapped in the skin." Arnav said and Man....He did a big mistake. 

Khushi who was so soft-spoken was now breathing fire. Her volcano of anger has erupted and she was all ready to burn anyone, anything that comes in her way. For once, Arnav was scared seeing the dark red color coloring her cheeks and entire face. 

"What did you said..??? Haann...?? Plz repeat...."Khushi spoke dangerously making him gulp the saliva. 


"Yeah exactly. What were you saying....?? You idiot.... I almost died thinking about your safety and here you are commenting on my look. Wait.... I will complain about this to Maa and she will pull your ears. Just...Wai...." but her words died when Arnav used the best way to shut her up and cool down her anger. That kiss was nothing eortic. But it was full of craving and longingness for each other. In that simple kiss, both poured their emotions and planted their love once again. 

To be Continued...

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