Clipped Wings

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"No... No, No-No Please! PLEASE NO!"

A sudden cry echoed throughout the empty halls of Arkham asylum. The sound of chains smacking and bashing against each other accompanied the screams and shouts. The sound of a sick, twisted grunting followed after, showing a sense of effort from the one who held the burning stick against a young boy's face...

The boy couldn't be to old... No older than around eighteen, twenty at most... yet a burning branding stick was forced against his cheek as a sick way to mark him... steam and the smell of roasting flesh dominated the dead air in the empty, abandoned mental ward, accompanying the cries of the young boy in the tattered, bloody, shredded red suit...

Removing the brand, a burning, blistering letter was left on his left cheek...

Tears mixed with the burnt, crumbling bit of flesh as the boy's cries quieted down into silent, low whimpers... having the tears take out some of the embers, the letter, the scar, was made clear...


R for... Robin... The captives' Side kick title... The Heroic identity of the boy that had been branded.

His real name didn't matter... not after almost ten months of torture... At this point, the crowbar had knocked that memory, along with many others, out of his head...

The smacking, the hitting, the cold, bluntness of the crowbar crashing, smashing, cracking on his head.. his arms, legs.. stomach.. breaking more bones than what can be told... shattering his pride and integrity just as badly.

Breaking his knees, cracking each leg, smashing each thigh...

Breaking... cracking...

Breaking... cracking...

Breaking... cracking...

Smashing, Shattering, Destroying some more, all while his captor made sure to keep him alive... alive enough to set an example...

But... the boy's hand still reached out. Using his open, cut, bloody palms, the former Robin dragged himself away from his tormentor... unable to get far due to his individual fingers all being broken and mangled into horrible conditions...

Robin's back was stepped on, with the heel of the boot grinding into his spine with malice-fueled intention... as Robin cried out, he was hit at the side of the head with the heavy strike of a crowbar...

Making him black out...


Of course, it wasn't always like this... not for the 2nd Robin. Once upon a time, he was happy, proud to dawn the mantle of Robin, and fight by Batman's side on his endless crusade against evil...

Hah... Batman.. that title brought some memories at least... compared to the crowbar, his words actually felt... kind..

But.. then it happened... the event that silenced the world... and changed it for the worst.


The death of Lois Lane. The death of her unborn child... The Regime's rise to power. Stories that have been well documented throughout the world. His call to end wars, him getting involved and ending them... there was a divide in the super hero community, and it started with Batman and Superman...

 there was a divide in the super hero community, and it started with Batman and Superman

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