The Truth behind the War

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(YN) carefully crawled away from the scene as Wonder Woman threw another punch at Supergirl, who took the impact and was knocked back a bit from the strength held behind the strike. Supergirl grunted and used her heat vision to blast at Wonder Woman, who blocked the beams with ease as she closed in on Kara and tried to cut her with her blade. Before Diana was able to swing her blade, Kara flew out of the way and crashed her knee into Diana’s face, taking her down and making a crater in the concrete. As Diana tried to get up, Kara kept attacking her to keep the Amazon in place. Freezing Diana in place with her frost breath, Kara turned over to me and tried to get to me. However, Diana broke free of the ice and grabbed Kara by the foot  with her lasso. Swinging the Kryptonian around in the air, Kara was thrown into a nearby building. Before she could get back into the fight, Kara’s crash caused several chunks of debris to come cradling down towards the civilians that ran through the streets.

Having to decide between the citizens and the Arkham Knight, Kara knew she had to save the people of the city… Hoping  that (YN) was hidden well, Kara gritted her teeth and tried to use her heat vision to destroy the debris. However, that wasn’t enough…

With Kara trying to save the remaining people of Metropolis, Wonder Woman walked over and simply tossed a truck away, revealing that the Arkham Knight had been hidden underneath it. Strangely enough, he had been curled up.. As though he had been saying his final prayer.

“Save your prayers, scum. The gods won’t have mercy on your soul.” Diana called out. As she reached out and grabbed his shoulder, (YN) brushed by her grasp and attached a bomb and a rocket to her chest, jabbing a taser into her face as he grunted and stumbled a bit.

Shouting out in pain, Diana tried to take his hand off with her blade. However, Arkham managed to ignite the rocket and boost the Amazon away from him, causing her to jet off into the air and get caught in an explosion large and dangerous enough to shatter several windows in the area…

‘I’d be lucky if that even knocked her out… But I bought myself some time..’ He thought to himself, grunting as he held his side… His injury was getting worse. While Arkham stumbled and fell back down to one knee, Kara managed to use her frost breath and speed to evacuate the citizens and save them from the falling debris…

“Hold on! I’ll take you to Kal-El. He can help!” Kara tried to reassure me…

The idea of being brought to… him.. It sent (YN) through another post-death flashback.

Seeing the symbol on her chest.. Knowing what he would do if he found out he had come back from the dead. The extent Superman would go to just to make sure that he could kill him again..

‘He’d kill me.. Torture me.. Just.. Just to hurt.. Bruce…” The Arkham Knight thought to himself…

As she held (YN) up, he struggled and fought against her, nearly breaking her grasp while she tried to be as gentle as she could.

“No.. Gotham! Take me to the Batcave!” (YN) demanded. Kara’s gaze only grew more concerned as (YN)’s voice cracked and grew distorted by the helmet’s voice modifier. Instead of arguing, Kara chose to take (YN) into her arms and lifted him up. As she tried to calm him down, she managed to hear something… Something that she hadn’t heard from the boy..

A heart beat. One that expressed fear.. Not only from the symbol on her chest, but  the mere mention of Kal-El… While the two quickly flew through the sky, Kara tried to keep (YN) calm and close to the ground.

“This is Supergirl. The Arkham Knight is badly injured and in need of immediate medical treatment. I’m heading to the Batcave.” Kara called in. Surely enough, Batman replied, giving her access to the cave while stating that he was also on his way after successfully evacuating Gotham City.

(YN) continued to try and heal his injury, but he was nearly out of his gadgets and weapons from fighting for so long. He had to get more, but he couldn’t with Bruce still around to watch him… Looking towards Supergirl, he wasn’t too surprised that her scar had already healed. Most likely from so much exposure to the sun.

“Damn.. If only I had some kryptonian genes..” (YN) mumbled under his breath.

“If it makes you feel better, in my home world, we are like the people here… We bled and cut so easily..”

“Making it easier for Brainiac to take it?” (YN) asked Kara, who nodded slowly. It seemed as though she had things on her mind. Various questions, worries, causes of stress…

“... What do you know about it? The civil war amongst the heroes of Earth. Between Batman and Superman.” He asked.

“I know what Diana and Adam told me.. But now it doesn’t make sense… What happened that caused the whole thing?”

And so, after taking a deep breath, (YN) told her what she needed to know… The destruction of Metropolis, the death of Lois Lane, the Joker, the fight at Arkham, and the death of Nightwing… (YN)’s older brother, and Batman’s masterpiece.

"When Superman turned against his ideals, everything changed… And now that Brainiac is here, and the Regime is free, I have to put everyone back in check." The Arkham Knight stated. Kara shook her head in disbelief… Diana and Adam had helped her, trained her, gave her the guidance and support she needed to save Kal-El…

But from what he was telling her, Kara may have been lied to. To believe she had been on the side of good…

But Kal… would he ever do something so awful? He couldn't… Not with that symbol. Not while the house of El still stood for hope.

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