The Failure meets The Successor

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It has to be one of the regime members. One of them, aside from Black Adam and Damian, someone was releasing the regime from their prison, which was reason enough for the Arkham Knight to get more involved.

'It was supposed to be an assassination. Kill Superman, then leave for getting caught! Why does the world end on the SAME day I'm resurrected?!' He thought to himself, landing onto the ground to see Firestorm crashing onto the ground beside him.

Looking over, Arkham saw a familiar face. One of the founding members of the Justice League.

 One of the founding members of the Justice League

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VIctor Stone, or Cyborg as he's referred too. Fortunately, he was working on freeing Superman from his cell.. something that had to be prevented.

"Just a matter of time until I crack this code. I'll have you out in no time."

"Wait-Victor! Look out!" Clark shouted out. Shooting a gun at the control panel, the bullet grabbed Cyborg's attention and destroyed it just as the red sun cell was about to open. Turning around, Cyborg was face-to-face with the Knight...

"Who the hell are you supposed to be? Another one of Batman's new recruits?"

"Call me the Arkham Knight. Recognize the uniform, Tin man?"

"One of Batman's older ones.. Judging from the readings, several suits put into one.. Talk about a prized pupil." Cyborg noted, at the cost of striking a nerve...

"I wouldn't call myself his.. 'prized pupil'. This student already graduated." Arkham Knight stated.

Going for a quick shot, Cyborg firef his arm canon at the Knight's feet. Leaping over, Cyborg to a strong boot to the chest as Arkham leaped off him and rammed into him, struggling as the two men stared each other down.

"I'm shutting you down" Victor threatened, making Arkham Knight chuckle a bit beneath the helmet.

"Interesting choice of words..."

As the two pushed each other back, Arkham got in some quick shots from his gun as he threw a smoke bomb into the ground to blind Cyborg.

To retaliate, Cyborg landed a hit on Arkham and knocked him out of the smoke, knocking him down as Cyborg prepared an arm canon.

"Games over, Bat brat."

"I'm here to do what Bruce won't." He replied, throwing a grenade onto the floor. Getting and jump kicking Cyborg toward the Grenade, he blew up and crashed down to the lower levels of the red sun prison, giving Arkham a chance to do what needs to be done...

Taking out the kryptonite knife, Arkham raced out and stabbed it into cell, piercing through it with ease.

"Stop! I'm Bruce's only chance against Brainiac!" Clark. However, the Knight continued to dig and carve the knife into the cell, cutting it more and allowing the red sun radiation to pour out...

"Bruce would never do what needs to be done! He won't go far enough!" Clark shouted, stepping back from the looming figure that stood before him...

"On that, we agree."

As the knife left a giant slash on the cell, Superman's fear was replaced with a look that hadn't been in his eyes since this whole thing started...


Turning his head to the side and putting the knife away, he was suddenly grappled from behind by a girl in a blue body suit and a red cape... No...

The two wrestled against each other, and while he did put up a fight, Supergirl overpowered him and tried to throw him down the prison hall. However, he didn't go far as he had shot a grappling hook around her leg and landed a few meters away, standing up to take the sight in...

Both individuals watched each other, careful and unaware of what the other was capable of... slowly, the circled each other, prepared to take anything the other had to dish out...

"You must be this.. Batman I've heard about.. Well like it or not, he's leaving. You have no idea what Brainiac is capable of!"

"I do know what Superman is capable of. Far better than most."

Without hesitation, Supergirl tackled the Arkham Knight and tried to remove him from the area. However, he managed to pistol whip her in the face and get her to let go, making them both crash and tumble along the floor. Grunting a bit and standing up, the two faced each other and prepared for the next move.

Taking out his kryptonite knife, Arkham flashed the glowing green out at Supergirl, who gasped and fell onto one knee. Struggling to stand up, the Arkham Knight approached the foe and kneeled down to her level, glaring at her behind the mask.

"I'm not sure how things worked on Krpyton; but when people are put into these prison cells, they deserve to be in there." The Knight said. However, in her pain, Supergirl punched him in the chest and knocked him back.

As they both stood up, Supergirl winced and held her head.

"I.. I've heard it all.. Wonder Woman and Black Adam told me every..thing... and I will free Kal from this prison.. And you won't stop me!" Kara shouted. Flying up and charging towards her foe, Arkham easily jumped over her and let the bullets rain.

Rapidly firing his twin pistols, Kara proved that she also had Superman's durability.

"Bullet proof. That's annoying." He said, narrowing his eyes with irritation.

"Don't you understand? Your... p-planet is.. in danger! Kal is the o-only.. only way it can be saved..!"

At this point, Supergirl's tone seemed to have grown less demanding, and more desperate due to her being weakened by the kryptonite-coated knife being exposed to her...

Narrowing his eyes, he used the technology within his helmet to try and find more information on what was happening. Unfortunately, he got nothing...

Deciding against his better judgment, He put the knife away, much to Supergirl's relief.

"... Fine. Let's go get him out. He returns here afterwards."

"He.. did nothing wrong.. I know all about you, Batman.."

"I'm not Batman." The boy shook his head, running towards the red sun prison, with Supergirl flying behind...


While they ran, Arkham's head raced with thoughts of internal turmoil, questions, anger, and confusion...

Why was he allowing himself to get dragged into the fight between the insurgency and regime..? Why did he help Blue Beetle and Firestorm fight Black Adam and Nightwing? Why was he siding with Supergirl..? And...

What story did Wonder Woman and Black Adam tell Supergirl for her to get the wrong idea...?

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