Absolute Vengeance

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Bruce turned around and saw that the Arkham Knight stood behind him, geared up with the means necessary to finish Superman off. The boy walked past the downed Batman and faced Superman, who was still down. With Kara nowhere around, and Bruce down for the count... He could do exactly what he had planned on doing since he came back from the dead...

Before Superman could stand, Arkham charged in and kneed him in the face. As the man of steel stumbled back, Arkham grabbed him by the sides of his head and crashed his helmet against his head. After the impact, Arkham kicked the kryptonian in the stomach and raced back in, using the two green kryptonite knives to slash and cut at him. To make the god bleed.

Superman shouted out in pain before Arkham grabbed a fistful of his hair, slamming his head against his knee and tossing him aside.

With Kal-El crashing into the other side of the bat cave, his blood spilt and painted the damaged rubble and debris that covered the ground they stepped on. As Clark held his chest, trying to ease the cuts he had received, Arkham stood before him and grabbed him by the symbol on his suit... The damaged, torn, bloody red symbol that once represented hope. That gave the people a sort of 'God' to believe in... But a God doesn't bleed. A god wouldn't be on his knees, covered in blood and bruised by the efforts of a dead man walking...

In a moment of rage, (YN) grabbed the symbol into a firm grip and, in almost an instant, ripped the symbol off of his suit and tossed it aside. Clark watched as his family symbol, the House of El, was stripped and tossed aside like it meant nothing...

On Kal-El, the symbol meant nothing. No Hope, No Mercy. Not unlike how the young robin had been treated in his past life...


The memory was so vivid... The memory of looking into his burning red eyes as he held me by the throat... All the torment, suffering, the agony that I had gotten to know every single day... The pain that still haunts and runs through my mind to this very day, coursing through my body and paralyzing me whenever I see that damned symbol... When I hear that voice. When I think about what he had done...

How Batman, my own father, was more focused on the mission rather than his son... How his neglect pushed him to go on that mission and get him captured... His neglect started all of this. His poor sense of morality set everything in stone.. Letting the Joker live, allowing him to hurt Superman... And not avenging him when his last son was killed by him.


Kal-El was lifted up and thrown across the Bat cave, his body crashing into the various vehicles that remained in the cave. Batman watched as his best friend bled almost helplessly on the floor, grunting as he tried to crawl out to the surface. As he desperately tried to reach out, a green kryptonite knife was thrown and stabbed into Kal's bare hand, pinning him down. The kryptonite burned and seared through Superman's flesh, making the man of steel struggle.

"Take it in. This is what dying was like." The boy bitterly stated, twisting the blade inside his hand. Kal tried to escape, but all the fighting had weakened him. He was forced to try to escape, to find sunlight... To escape.

"That feeling of desperation. That's Fear."

But the thoughts of the Man of Tomorrow being saved were short lived as Arkham grabbed a fist full of Kal's hair, lifting him up as the hate in his eyes only burned brighter. Slamming the kryptonian into the ground, Arkham ripped the knife out of Kal-El's palm and grabbed his cape.

While watching this display, watching the Man of Steel now be lifted by the cape by the Arkham Knight. As the knight held the golden kryptonite knife to his throat, Bruce gritted his teeth and threw a batarang at him, knocking the weapon out of his grasp. Arkham turned his attention toward the man who wore the broken armor with an amount of anger that spoke volumes...

"No... That.. Isn't an option.." Batman grunted, helping himself to his feet. Arkham watched The Dark Knight Rise, closing his eyes behind the mask. Punching Superman out cold, Arkham looked toward the caped crusader. "Don't be like him. Don't go down the same path."

Such an idea ticked a nerve inside of (YN) Wayne... From Bruce's eyes, he must've been the same as Superman... A murderer. Blinded by an excuse to kill villains and heroes alike... Such an idea prompted him to turn toward Batman.

"... You really have no idea. Do you, Bruce?" Arkham mumbled beneath his breath. He let go of Kal-El and allowed his body to collapse onto the ground. Bruce stood up and raised and narrowed his eyes. As he reached up toward his helmet, he pressed a button at the side and allowed his helmet to open and revert back into suit, revealing his face to Bruce, whose shock caused him to drop his arms to the side after he removed his cowl. Wide eyed, Bruce was forced to come to the realization of who Arkham's knight of vengeance really was...

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