Three Kings

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Within the hidden Kingdom of Kahndaq, the sun's light caused the environment to glow a peaceful orange. The several temples, pyramids, as well as the two kings that stood before the gateway toward the Rock of Eternity.

Black Adam informed Arthur Curry that the Rock of Eternity is sealed within a pocket dimension, as well as how Adam had refrained from using it since Brainiac's invasion. Such a powerful force would capture his attention immediately and cut their time short. Black Adam approached the portal...

"Ancient Ones. Unveil the golden path to me! In your names... Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton, Mehen!"

Now seemingly blessed by the ancient gods that he had called to, Black Adam used his magic to open the gateway to the pocket dimension... An act that caught Brainiac and Grodd's interest and attention.


"Black Adam has revealed Kahndaq's power and its location. Go. The society will obtain a sample of the Rock of Eternity for me. I wish to study earth's so called... Magic." Brainiac demanded.

"The Society has disbanded. They thought Earth was theirs to conquer, not yours to destroy."

"And you, Grodd?"

"Earth can go to Hell. I serve Brainiac."

"As you should. I will arm you with new soldiers. Bring me that sample before the planet is destroyed, and your loyalty will be rewarded."


"Let's go, There isn't much time left."

"Don't bother.."

Aquaman and Black Adam both looked over and were surprised to see Black Canary and Green Arrow... Both being aided by Grodd's followers... Black Adam closed the gateway immediately.

"An extraction ship is on its way... Kahndaq will be Brainiac's..." Canary struggled, twitching and stumbling her every word.

"Kahndaq will not be corrupted by Brainiac, much less you, Grodd." Adam stated, seeing through the great Ape's mind control. He used his magic to summon several powerful blasts to scare away the Gorillas while Arthur striked at Green Arrow. Jumping back, the mind controlled Green Arrow fired an arrow toward Aquaman and prepared more fire with trick arrows. As Aquaman quickly deflected the projectiles, Adam made quick work out of Canary by overwhelming her with his superior strength and mystic gifts. With Canary down, and Green Arrow falling short after, the kings returned their attention toward the gateway, with Black Adam opening it again to allow them entry.

Though... Aquaman was surprised to see that Blue Beetle had landed before them.

"Beetle? We thought you were dead.."

"The scarab makes me pretty hard to kill. Batman said you needed some back up! Consider me a sidekick." He offered.

With the extraction ship arriving, the three hurried inside the gateway...


As the three walked in, they were quick to realize that they were surrounded by stone gargoyles that loomed over the stone brick road that they walked along. At the end of the road was a throne, a mantle that housed the Rock of Eternity...

Black Adam sat upon the throne, reaching out for the Trident of Atlantis.

"I will imbue the Trident with the Power of the Rock of Eternity. It's power will naturally seek out the artifact. Then, with your thoughts, you will direct that power towards our target. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be." Aquaman nodded. As he began to hand Adam the Trident, both were hit by Blue Beetle, who wielded an arm cannon...

The two kings managed to take the attack, though they were confused as to why the boy would attack them... Until they had noticed a subtle twitch in his stance... He was under Grodd's mind control.

"A sleeper agent.. Grodd used him to follow us here."

"Despite how powerful the Boy's scarab is, controlling his mind was hardly a challenge." Grodd chided, with a toothy grin. "Kill them!"

Blue Beetle then prepared two short blades and slices down toward Aquaman, who blocked the blades with his Trident and tried to kick Beetle away. However, two tendrils spiked out and tried to stab into his stomach. Though Aquaman was injured, he managed to make some space between him and Beetle, allowing Black Adam to use his magic to blast at him. However, Beetle made a shield to protect himself, firing a blast toward Adam and allowing Grodd a chance to bite into his shoulder, roaring out in pain as Adam sent several bursts of lightning on him. Grodd was sent back and was crushed beneath by several boulders. Aquaman stabbed his Trident into the shield Beetle made, stabbing through it and allowing him to lift the boy up and toss him toward Adam, who used his magic to stun Beetle and nullify Grodd's control over him, knocking him out. With Grodd shoving the rubble off of himself, he grunted and stood up, chuckling a bit as Black Adam and Aquaman stood beside each other.

"Look at us. Three Kings" Grodd commented, only for Adam and Arthur to narrow their eyes.

"A King Grodd? You're a brute."

"A true Leader serves his people. You only serve yourself."

"Hmph. Be that as it may, I will be the only one who leaves this cave." Grodd growled before slamming his fist into the ground. Ada, and Arthur both prepared for the fight, though Grodd managed to cause rocks to fall and crush the two. Grodd rushed in with a rampage, preparing to slam his arm down onto Aquaman.

The king of the seas shouts out, though Grodd fails to continue his attacks as Adam slams his body into the beast and knocks him back. As Grodd was being blasted, he struggled through the lightning and tried to control Adam's mind, only to catch Aquaman's trident and slam it down, roaring as he tried to charge toward Adam while he was still being attacked. Aquaman punched Grodd in the face and then took his trident from the ground to sweep Grodd off the ground and then, with the proper footing, stab the beast in the side of his stomach...

The great ape let out a roar of pain as Aquaman stabbed the trident deeper into Grodd, making the roars reduce to aggravated and painful pants and struggling breaths...

"Stupid.. Humans.." Grodd grunted out.

"The people of Atlantis deserve Justice." Aquaman growled, taking the trident out of Grodd's body, allowing blood to spill out and stain the stone brick road..

"Against.. Brainiac...? Hah.. ha.. I've seen.. His mind.. Felt his.. Power.. He.. can't. Be. stopped.."

"But you can." Arthur cut him off, stabbing his trident into Grodd's chest, piercing through his armor and killing him almost instantly...


With Canary and Arrow both recovering and free from Grodd's mind control, helping each other up as Arthur managed to charge his trident with the power from the Rock of Eternity. Aquaman had managed to then strike Brainiac's skullship and lower its defenses almost completely...

The Justice League still has a fighting chance.

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