No Longer a Hero

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With communications being back online, the plan against Brainiac could finally begin. Batman, now piloting the batplane, instructed Brother Eye to broadcast on the old Justice League line, allowing every Justice League member to receive instructions on what to do.

"Alright everyone. We have a few hours to evacuate civilians before we engage Brainiac and the fleet. Use the time wisely." Batman instructed.

Arkham already understood the instructions. Hell, it reminded him of his time fighting alongside Bruce against the villains of Gotham city a lifetime ago.

Meanwhile, all the way in Metropolis, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and I quickly made their way to save civilians. While the two women flew over the buildings, I stole one of Bruce's bat bikes to travel. Of course, I never told Bruce. When we met, I stole a tire... So why not steal a whole vehicle next?

As we closed in on soldiers, I aimed one of my pistols and opened fire at a skull soldier, piercing through the exposed bones and destroying a few of the ones that surrounded the civilians. Turning her head back towards my struggle, Supergirl rocketed down to help me save the group of captured people. Using her fists and debris to destroy the soldiers, Supergirl made quick work of more than half of the soldiers. Many more then crashed through a building nearby and smashed onto the ground, leaving the building it had broken through in an unstable condition.. Because of how little time we had for evacuation, I chose to use the Bat Bike to run over some of the skull soldiers.

As I turned back to Supergirl, I saw some of the debris from the building the soldiers crashed through were hurtling down to crush Supergirl. Before she noticed, I threw an explosive above her and destroyed the debris, surprising the girl as she realized what I had done.

Revving the bike more, I ran over a few more skull soldiers and tumbled over them, saving the last of the civilians by giving them a way to escape. A skull soldier took advantage of my recklessness and fired a projectile that stabbed into the wheel of the bike, making the vehicle jerk back and fling me off of it.

I raised my arms and prepared myself to crash into the rubble and soldier parts, only to feel two arms catch me in the air and save me from my fall. I turned my head over a bit and was met with the gaze of Supergirl, who appeared to be holding me as though I were a bride as she followed Diana.

"There. This makes us even." She remarked. I narrowed my eyes. Something that she certainly noticed. ".. Hard to tell with the helmet, but you look angry."

"Are you treating this like a game?" I bitterly replied.

"I.. u-uh."

"Let me down."

And so she did. Letting me land on my own two feet, Supergirl remained nearby me, studying me like she did back in the prison.

"What did Wonder Woman tell you? About Batman." I asked. "Let's compare notes. I'll fill you in on what I know, and you return the favor."

"But.. I don't.."

"I'm not on either side, but I will tell you this." I said, approaching her, eyeing the symbol on her chest.

"This.. The house of El.. It once stood for hope. Mercy, kindness... Once upon a time, Superman honored the idea of truth, justice..." I started preparing my weapons to continue protecting the people in the city of metropolis.

"I've been told about this.. Kal-El would never-"

"You'd be amazed by the monsters this world can create..." was the I could respond... with him in mind... "The monster who stole Superman from the world..."


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"Let's start here." Supergirl said, landing beside me and Diana. "Diana? we don't have much time-"

"Batman's strategy is all wrong.. Delaying our offensive is pointless! It's one less hour before Brainiac sends us all to Hades! Saving these people could doom millions more!" Wonder Woman chided, gritting her teeth.

"That doesn't sound too heroic." I scolded her in return.

"Diana, I can hear the people down there.. All of them. They're afraid, just like I was back on Krypton when I didn't have these powers.. But I look at us and I think.. We can give them hope!" Supergirl confided... Failing to notice Wonder Woman ever so slightly shaking her head as a way to disagree...

Either way, the heroines both soared down to the people that the skull soldiers had lined up and marching. As one of the soldiers shoved an officer forwards, Wonder Woman immediately grabbed it by the head and crushed it with her bare hands, making the rest of the soldiers attack the two women. Not to long after, I landed onto the ground and demanded that the civilians try to escape the city and evacuate, all while firing several bullets into some of the soldiers while Wonder Woman and Supergirl took down the rest.

Diana landes onto the ground and busted a skull off a soldier with her shield, deflecting laser beams with the same shield as she ran in to stab and cut down a few more. Kara then used her strength and body to destroy and obliterate the soldiers with her bare hands. Catching the spears they shot, using her heat vision to blast through and melt the other skull soldiers down to nothing. I threw small explosives and fired the twin pistols off to destroy and pierce the various soldiers that had people in their grasp, freeing them.

However, when Kara landed onto the ground to make sure everyone was safe and help guide them to safety, she was surprised when they screamed and ran away from us...

Clearly the regime's reign had a lasting impact on everyone on the world... A consequence that Kara had yet to realize... Or accept.

"Why.. Why are they afraid of us?-" Kara asked. Before Wonder Woman could respond, Supergurl and I were both hit by a purple beam that blasted us back and hit us into a building, giving Diana a chance to see who fired the shot.

The gun was fired by none other than Cheetah, who smirked as she aimed the gun at Wonder Woman.

"Minerva..." Diana narrowed her eyes as she prepared her shield. Leaping out to strike, Diana was blasted back and crashed into a building, taking the three of us down...


After being down for a few seconds, Diana managed to wake up. Holding her head, she got up and shook the rubble off of her body, tightening her grip on her weapons as she looked around...

Barely noticing a distinct green smoke surround her...

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