No More Justice League

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As Kara landed onto the open and vacant streets of Gotham city, I instructed her to follow me to the new Batcave. Kara nodded, though we were interrupted as Black Adam crashed onto the ground and crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes as his gaze fell upon the two of us.

"Adam, return to Kahndaq. Otherwise You won't be coming back." I bitterly spat. Kara seemed to misunderstand my intentions, though Adam understood them well.

"You'd have to capture me, Boy. I have underestimated you two for the last time."

"All that ancient wisdom... Wasted."

Black Adam prepared two bolts of lightning and fired them at the both of us. As they crashed and slashed onto the ground, Kara flew up and I leaped back to hide behind a car. I looked 0over, firing my twin pistols at the enemy as he flew up to catch Kara. As his focus left me, I used my grapple gun to catch Black Adam's foot and propel myself upward. This caused Adam to get dragged down before he could catch Kara, forcing him to take the brunt of her ice breath as well as the two explosives I placed on his head...

Black Adam wasn't going to be a problem. Not at all.




On a separate part of Gotham, Superman had just defeated the Flash and Green Lantern both. As he held the powerful ring in the palm of his hand, he clenched his fists and tried to destroy it with his bare hands.

Before he could, Kara flew behind him and had (YN) move to achieve his own objectives, leaving Kara to try to help her cousin.

"There's still hope, Kal! I know you're afraid, for everybody. Ever since you've lost Lois..."

"I used to be afraid. Afraid that my powers would make everybody fear me. Afraid of who I'd heart if I stopped holding back for even one second. I spent my whole life holding back" Kal-El spat, keeping his back toward Kara while the Knight picked up the Lantern ring and put it in a pocket. "My fear cost me Lois. That's why I don't hold back ANYMORE!" Kal shouted. With the duo having the same idea, Kara flew away and drove Kal to chase after her, all while Arkham made his way to the Batcave.

Supergirl flew as quickly as she could, passing by each blur of a building as Superman, now being aided with Wonder Woman as they slowly got closer to Kara.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Kara! Bruce is wrong for allowing such dangerous people to live, but we prevent that madness from growing! From corrupting and hurting the people we love!" Wonder Woman called out. Kara shook her head and narrowed her eyes.

"Not like this, Diana! Through lies, half truths, through murder! There is a better way!" Kara responded, trying to fly faster as Superman reached out to her.

"Please, Kara! How many lives would have been saved if the Joker had been killed by Bruce? You both need to learn that some lives have to be taken!"

"BUT IT WASN'T JUST THE JOKER! The Arkham Knight told me. He told me about you publicly executing him! He was a hero! He looked up to you! Now he looks at the symbol of our families with so much hate, a level of Rage I have never seen! (YN) Wayne, Billy Batson, Oliver Queen, How many heroes have you KILLED?!" Kara screamed out, boosting her flight speed even further.

Kal-El roared out in frustration, just barely missing as he tried to grab at Kara's cape. Supergirl desperately tried her best to not get captured by the two, crashing and smashing her way down through the Gotham City streets, going underground and into the Batcave. Superman and Wonder Woman managed to follow behind her, only now realizing that she had led the two into a trap... Just as Superman and Wonder Woman realized where they were right where he wanted them, Batman landed right behind the two, now clad in his new kryptonite armor...

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