Wild Emotions

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A/N - For all you Ragnarsson lovers, I have a Vikings One Shots book on my page - take a look. I do requests on it. Also, how do we feel this is going? Is Virago too slow? Much love to all you beautiful readers!! xxx

Little Bear sat with Ivar in the streets, he was eating but awaiting Heahmund. She watched and listened as Hvitserk approached alongside others who were pushing Heahmund in front of them all. The cheers and taunts were all mixed into one but this only made Ivar smirk as he turned his head to see what was happening. Ivar put his food down before glancing in the blonde's direction then back to the Christian. He noticed that the woman beside him seemed to be watching this man closely, flinching beside him, when Heahmund was thrown on the floor. Hvitserk approached and stood the other side of Ivar, his lips curled into a smirk as he awaited his brother's decision on Heahmund's life. 

Iona sat and watched as the King and Queen approached, watching the scene before them. Little Bear wondered what it was about the Bishop that made her take notice of him, it was like he had some kind of strange hold over her even though they didn't know each other. When he stood in front of Ivar, the blonde looked into his eyes. Ivar hushed the crowd and when the silence hit, Iona felt the intensity of her emotions towards this strange man. It wasn't love, nor lust, but something else, she just couldn't work it out. 

Ivar's lips were in a constant smirk. "Now we'll decide whether you'll fight for us, or whether I'll kill you." Ivar pulled his knife from the table. "Nothing is keeping you alive but me," he put the knife onto the Bishop's chest as he spoke. 

"Why don't you give me the knife?" The Christian was brave in his words and this only made Ivar grin widely before turning the knife and offering it to him. 

Little Bear watched intensely as the Bishop, the man who she seemed to be watching put the knife to his stomach before turning to the crowd who was watching. Her eyes were wide as she watched a man approach him, taunting him as he got into the face of the Christian. 

The whole crowd was cheering as Ivar watched the scene before him. Ivar was excited to see what would come next. 

Suddenly, the Bishop grabbed the Viking man by the ear before punching the knife into his neck. Little Bear listened to the gurgling of the man who was choking on his own blood, the sound was like music to her ears. Turning her head, she watched as Ivar smiled sweetly, he seemed to disbelieve what he was seeing before he started to laugh and clap. 

"I think he will fight with us!" Ivar announced to everyone as people began to cheer and chant. 

Hvitserk looked at Iona, she noticed he seemed happy and impressed, he noticed that she did not. 

The blonde had noticed more and more things about the Christian, each of them lingering in her mind. She had seen the look on his face after murdering the man who had taunted him, she recognised it so easily. This man shared the same traits as her, the thrill of the kill. The look of pride on his face for a few brief seconds after the cheering started. 


Drinking at the table with Hvitserk, the blonde and the brother were alone. They had a large jug of mead, something which they both kept drinking. The only other company was a maid that came in every so often to check on the jug, to top it up. 

The two sat opposite each other, Hvitserk kept his small knife close to him, using it to cut little bits of fruit up before eating it. Little Bear had her own knife close to, resting on the table. Neither of them expected to use them, they were there just incase. 

Picking up her cup, Iona took a large mouthful before she put her cup back on the table, refilling it. "Why are you here with me?" She asked him as she held her cup with both hands. 

"Why are you here with me, Little Bear?" He asked in return as he watched her. "Where is Ivar tonight?"

Iona's nose twitched as she thought about where he might be. She had not minded him spending all the time he had with King Harald but after today, she wondered if he was with Harald or with the Christian. Ivar seemed to spend more and more time with him, she wondered what they could possibly have to talk about. The young Ragnarsson had always hated Christians, he had never given any of them a chance before let alone a choice. 

She smiled as she looked at her friend. "I didn't want to spend time with him tonight," the blonde lied a she raised her glass. "Skol," she announced before drinking from the cup. 

Hvitserk watched her as she drank quickly. He noticed that she was getting through many cups this evening. Her hands were shaking as she poured herself another drink. 

"You have been acting differently," he told her his observations. "What is wrong?"

The blonde took a deep breath as she realised someone had noticed her being strange. She wished she could take it back, go back in time and change her behaviour. Little Bear had been itching to return to the battlefield, itching to prove herself to Ivar. There was so many things she wanted, needed to do and at the moment, she felt like she was stuck in limbo. "There is nothing wrong."

"Are you nervous about seeing your mother again? Do you regret this?" 

"I regret nothing," she told him as she lounged back on her chair. "If Ivar doesn't kill my mother, I will."

Virago - Ivar The BonelessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant