The Darkness Within

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Iona stood with her brother as Sigurd's body was sent into the ocean before a burning arrow was fired at it setting it alight. Bjorn put an arm around her trying to offer her some comfort, she did not feel anything as she watched the flames engulf the straw and the body on the boat. There was nothing but silence that surrounded everyone, there were only the distant sounds of the crackling. There was a horrible feeling that clouded Little Bear's mind, turning her head she made eye contact with Ivar.

His eyes were angry, his nose was wrinkled and the look of disgust was obvious as he kept looking at her. Keeping their eyes on each other, she could not look away from him. She hated the hold her had over her.

Ivar stared at her. The black colour of her dress matched his feelings for her right now. He hated her. Looking over at her with Bjorn holding her close, it just cemented how deeply she was involved with her own family.

"Ivar," Hvitserk spoke his brother's name again. Ivar did not respond as he had not for the past two times Hvitserk spoke. He followed his youngest brother's gaze only to see Little Bear staring back.

Hvitserk looked away shaking his head a little before nudging Ubbe, Ubbe furrowed his brows before he looked between Iona and Ivar. "Ivar!" He snapped getting the crippled lad's attention.

Ivar turned his head to gaze at his brothers. "What?"

Ubbe and Hvitserk exchanged a look before Hvitserk spoke to Ivar as he looked back at him. "We can go now," he announced before he started to walk away.

Turning his head back to Iona, Ivar noticed she had gone from where she had stood. Shaking his head, he followed his two brothers back inside.


"I will be leaving soon," Bjorn told his sister as they sat together to eat. "I want to know you are going to be safe."

"Of course, I will be," she shrugged off his words. She had not changed from the dress, the lace felt good on her arms and wearing this dress made her feel good. The dresses that the women in Kattegat wore were too bright for her, this dress made her feel almost special. She certainly felt like black was definitely her colour.

Iona could not return back to her mother, not like this. She did not want her to think she was just going to accept her mother's terms. Little Bear had given in once before but she wanted so much more, she wanted to be her own person, she wanted to have her own name known by the world.

Bjorn looked up from his plate, "You need to return to Kattegat and be with our mother. She was not happy that you accompanied me here but I think it's time for you to go back, sister." He only wanted what was best for her. "She wants to protect you, after Gyda-"

"Do not!" Iona snapped interrupting him. "Our mother, my mother decided to leave, decided to send me away with you whilst she swanned off with some man." The blonde girl got some of her feelings off her chest as she narrowed her eyes at her brother. She shook her head as she got to her feet, "Do not sit there and make out like she cares about me, she left me!"

There was silence as everyone turned to look at the brother and sister, the sound that pierced the silence was the wooden chair scraping across the floor. Bjorn got to his feet quickly, the eldest Ragnarsson stared his sister down.

Iona saw a flash; it was quick before she fell back but still managed to stay on her feet. Her right cheek feeling like it exploded as her hair covered her right side of her face.

"She is our mother!" Bjorn roared as he continued to stare at her. "Do not disrespect her that way!" The anger flowed through his veins, he could not sit by and let his sister be this way.

Virago - Ivar The Bonelessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें