Do Not Die

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Little Bear got to her feet. She headed outside of the tent, she watched as Freydis rode her horse back towards Kattegat's walls. At her sides, her hands were clenched into fists and her eyes were narrowed. She couldn't explain the feeling which was inside of her, it was something she'd not felt before, but Freydis had caused it. 

"Sister," she felt a hand on her shoulder as she watched. Turning she looked up at the man which had come to Hvitserk when she was sleeping, Bjorn. "You should try and get some rest, we have an early start in the morning." 

Little Bear stepped away from him, she gave him a small nod, "Of course." 

She did not care for the cold that surrounded her, she looked as her brother turned away and started heading in the opposite direction towards his bed for the night. Little Bear looked at where Freydis had headed, she looked back at the tent she'd come from before shaking her head. Pulling her furs around her, Iona followed the direction the horse had taken the perfect blonde. 

The journey through camp was uneventful, she didn't even get stopped as she reached the edge of the perimeter and ventured into the unclaimed lands. Approaching the outside of Kattegat, Little Bear looked at the high walls of the wooden structure, she looked at the small bundles of fire which lit certain spots on top of the wall. She shielded herself from view in a large bush, her skin protected by her clothing and her hood keeping the vines from her face. She watched for a while, there was a clear pattern as she watched. 

Much time must have passed, the moon rose high in the sky and began to travel back down before Little Bear returned to the camp. She was tired, not too tired but she needed some sleep. Returning to the tent, Little Bear found Hvitserk slumped over the table snoring a little. She sighed as she wondered if he'd been waiting for her, she gently crossed the room towards him and sit in the chair beside him. 

Leaning in close to him, she smiled before whispering in his ear, "Hvitserk."

He woke with a start, jumping up and staring at her. "Where have you been?" He cupped her face as he searched for any sign that she was hurt. 

"I followed her," Iona did not lie to him, she couldn't bring herself to. "If we attacked now, we could-"

"Not tonight," he gently interrupted her. "We must rest before the morning. You heard Freydis, she will help us into the city in the morning." 

Little Bear looked at him, she bit her bottom lip as she shook her head slightly. "You're putting a lot of faith in a woman who has had a baby with the man you want to attack." 

Hvitserk reached for the hands of the young woman, "You might not remember Ivar like I do, but he is a monster. It is my fate to kill him." His words did not effect the woman in front of him, her face remained blank. "Believe me," he squeezed her hands softly. "If your husband murdered your baby, you would want revenge also. Any sane woman would want revenge on anyone who murdered their child." 

Her face fell as she looked down at their entwined fingers. "She is only helping you for her own personal reasons." 

"Still, she helps us," Hvitserk spoke as Iona looked up at him. "This is our only option." 


Waking in the morning, Iona turned and looked at the man she was sharing a bed with. He looked so peaceful when he slept, like an angel. "Hvit," she said softly. 

"Why are you..." he trailed off not even opening his eyes as he remained under the furs of the bed. His hand reached over and found Little Bear's before he held it tightly. His eyes finally opened, his beautiful mixed coloured eyes staring into the young blonde's blue eyes. "Stay here today." His words were for his own selfish reasons, he didn't want this relationship between them to change. 

She smiled at him as she listened to his words. "Where ever you go, I want to be." Little Bear stared at the man in front of her. "I will stand by your side and support you through anything." 

Hvitserk looked at the woman in front of him, she was a beautiful person, someone he could see himself spending the rest of his life with, someone who understood him, but he knew, she would never really be his. He removed his hand from hers before reaching up and stroking her cheek, "If things do not go our way today, please do as I say. If I tell you to get out of there, you need to go, yeah?"

"Anything you say," the blonde promised him as she relaxed against his touch. She enjoyed the feeling of his rough calloused hands on her own skin, she smiled at the small strokes his thumb made against her cheek. "Do not die today," she told him softly. 

Hvitserk moved forward, placing a kiss on her forehead, "Not today."

She looked past him, her mind confused as it was almost like she'd been in such a position before. There was something that about those words but she couldn't place them. 

"We should get ready," the blonde spoke in a quiet voice as she moved away from his touch and climbed out of the bed. She didn't look back as she pulled her clothes over her body, her mind full of thoughts and questions about today and her past. Once she was dressed, her eyes glanced over at the axe on the small table, she picked up it without thinking and leaving the tent. 

Little Bear was quick to jump back when she found herself face to face with the man who called himself her brother, Bjorn. She stayed silent allowed him to talk first, his looming presence commanding attention. "I am glad to see you again, to see you happy once more, sister." His voice was proud and happy. Iona could see the smile tugging on his lips as he looked down at the young woman. "Hvitserk, he will look after you."

She nodded at his words, they were a comfort as she gave him a small smile. "He cares for me," she assured him as she started to walk away. 

"Do not go far, for we leave shortly." His words rang out as she walked away. 


Laying against a hill with Hvitserk and some of the army they were using to attack Kattegat, Little Bear closed her eyes as she took in a few deep breaths. She was never going to stay behind, she was always going to get stuck in if there was a reason to fight, to be beside Hvitserk's side. Holding the bow and arrow that she'd been gifted, she opened her eyes and looked at the weapon. 

She peeked up over the mound and saw the many people a top the wooden structure that kept Kattegat safe. There was many faces but none that caught her attention, none that made her remember a single thing. She wondered if any of the people before her were Ivar, but there was no way for her to tell. 

Turning her head, she looked at Hvitserk, there was something different about him today. Seeing him here, right now, he was full of an energy she'd not seen, a rage within him which was bursting to get out. All she wanted to do right now was grab him and kiss him, to take him away from this situation, to leave here and do unspeakable things with him, to him. 

"If you want to leave," he muttered as he turned him head to look at the young woman, "Now is your last chance." A small shake of her head with a slight smirk confirmed to Hvitserk that she wouldn't be going anywhere. "Whatever happens," he looked back over the raised ground again as he whispered. "Just keep firing your arrows, swinging you sword," he then looked at her with wide eyes, "And do not die."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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