In the Shadows

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When Iona was reunited with Bjorn, it was a strange meeting. She didn't feel as excited as when she had seen Hvitserk, she knew something was wrong then. She didn't feel anything more for Hvitserk than she did for Bjorn, maybe she just felt like her real brother was preoccupied. 

"I missed you," Bjorn told his sister before kissing her on the hair. "Our mother is Queen again," he rejoiced as he pulled away from her and smiled. "Over time, you can take the throne, one day you will Queen, sister."

Rolling her eyes, Iona sighed. "I have no intention of being Queen. Mother is Queen for now."

"Mother is the rightful Queen of Kattegat," he told his sister as he shook his head. "Aslaug should have never been Queen, mother just took back what was hers. No one will stand in her way of being Queen."

Little Bear crossed her arms over her chest under her furs. "I don't want any part of it. I don't to be Queen. She might be our mother, Bjorn, but I do not agree with what she has done."

"It's not about whether you agree or not, she is your Queen now, sister."

He noticed the look his sister gave him was blank, she didn't speak acknowledging a word he said. Turning away from him, she started to walk away. 

Bjorn reached forward and aggressively pulled on her elbow, a way to get her to face him again. "Life in Kattegat can be made very difficult for you and anyone else who feels this way," he warned his sister. "You do not want to live like that."

Yanking her arm back from him, she clenched her jaw. She loved her brother very much but there was no way she was going to argue with him. Iona knew better than that, someone would get hurt and right now she wasn't sure who it would be.


The evening came to quickly, Iona watched from the door of her hut. She listened to the festivities that came from the main building, she knew there was a feast happening. Standing on her tiptoes, she watched as people came and went, she noticed the women guards being dragged away and replaced by men. 

She was quick to leave her post, following the last of the people to enter the hall none of them paying mind to her. She looked around as everything seemed to change, the atmosphere went from a party to silence. Watching from the back of the room, she smirked to herself. Astrid and Torvi were both being held, knifes to their throats before the silence was broken. 

The only sound that was heard was the stabbing and dragging sound as people cleared the way. Little Bear watched on as Ivar dragged himself towards her mother, everyone watching as Ubbe walked by his side until they stopped before her and her throne. 

Largetha picked up her sword, taking footsteps towards the boys. Iona watched, her interest piqued as she bit her bottom lip. Ubbe circled around the back of the Queen, all swords held up before the doors bust open. 

Wrinkling her nose, Iona pulled her hood up shielding herself from whoever had just entered. Then she heard Bjorn's voice, crossing her arms over her chest, she walked away from the hall. Leaving before anyone saw her. She knew that Bjorn would not let them kill her, not his mother, their mother. 

Her feet were quick to lead her towards the boys wooden home. Waiting outside the door, she watched as Ivar approach, Ubbe close behind him. 

"What is she doing here?" Ivar asked Ubbe when he saw the blonde at their door. 

Ubbe didn't respond as he didn't know, he looked at the woman who did not show any fear it seemed. It was only a few days ago his younger brother had his hands wrapped around her throat, she didn't even look away from him as they stared each other out. 

"Why are you here?" Ubbe asked as he opened the door, letting Ivar go inside first. 

Iona followed the brothers in before she headed into the living area where they headed to. "I was watching," she said as she leaned against the wall. Little Bear watched as Ivar pulled himself into a chair before Ubbe poured a few wooden cups of mead before handing on to Ivar then Iona. 

She took the tumbler before lifting it to her lips, slowly drinking the liquid. "Are you here to warn us as your brother did?" Ubbe asked her warily as he sat at the table opposite Ivar. 

Ivar stared at the blonde, he hated how much she looked like her mother. He knew it was not her fault but it didn't change facts. He was angry and needed someone to feel the pain he felt. It seemed that his brothers were not as passionate about his mother's death as he was. He had noticed both Sigurd and Hvitserk enjoying the food and drink provided by Largetha before he interrupted. 

"Why are you here?" Ivar asked her, his stare was intense and his hand was tight around the cup. 

She looked at Ubbe who shrugged his shoulders. 

"Do not look to my brother, he is a coward." Ivar wanted the girl's attention all to himself. 

Tilting her head to the side, she wondered why Ivar would say such a thing. Ubbe had shown nothing but loyalty to his brother. 

"What do you want, Iona?"

She sucked in a breath as she turned her head back to the youngest son of Ragnar. He had used her name again, and she hated it. "I want to help you," she told him as she walked towards the table. 

"You two are crazy," Ubbe threw his hands up. He could not believe the stupidity of the young blonde. She did not know when to quit, she could easily stay out of trouble but here she was offering to help Ivar. Ubbe looked at Ivar as he got to his feet, "Do not try to kill her again, I won't be here to save her." He walked around and looked at Iona, shaking his head at her before leaving. 

Little Bear sat at the table, she looked at the man before her. Something had changed him whilst he was away. She didn't think it was just losing both his parents, more had happened. She wondered what Ragnar had told him, how they got along whilst away. 

"How are you going to help me?" He asked her as he leaned on the table with his arms. 

She reached for the mead and topped both cups up. "You're going to need someone," she told him. "I see Ubbe has already made up his mind," Iona knew that he had from the way he left them alone. "Hvitserk and Sigurd, they are weak," she hated talking about her friends in such a way.

"I thought you and Sigurd-"

"I will slit your throat," she told him, cutting him off from finishing whatever sentence he thought he was going to say. "No one owns me," she wrinkled her nose in disgust as she thought of Sigurd. 

She had done well to suppress her feelings but just the mention of him and her, made her feel sick, feel weak. She didn't want to feel that way ever, she only ever wanted to be equal. 

"Your mother and Bjorn," Ivar spoke getting her attention. She looked at him returning from the thoughts that clouded her mind. "They trust you," he told her. 

Nodding her head, she watched him as he put his hand to his mouth. He was thinking, she could tell from the smirk that hid behind his hand, his eyes gave everything away. 

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