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Little Bear stared at the woman's body, her eyes taking in the scene before her but not focusing on it

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Little Bear stared at the woman's body, her eyes taking in the scene before her but not focusing on it. Her mind was elsewhere, she was meant to be somewhere else, meant to be with him, Ivar. Reaching down, she ran her fingers through the warm flowing blood, rubbing her thumb against her two forefingers, the sticky liquid coating her skin. Pulling on the open wound, she opened it wider, blood pooling out of the body and onto the snow. Iona didn't notice the blood coating her footwear, she didn't even seem to notice what she was even doing. She reached inside the body, her long nails helping to make easy work to pull the muscle, bones and other bits out of the way before using her bare hands and tugging the fresh, warm bloody heart from this woman's dead body. Raising the heart to her lips, she closed her eyes, she could feel the warm blood trickling down her chin as it coated her pale skin. Without thinking, she took a bite of the organ, the blood filling her mouth as she chewed on the one mouthful. Dropping it back onto the body, she swallowed before pulling her hands back, she dragged them down her face, covering her pale skin a scarlet before she stood back up. 

In a trance like state, Iona walked away from the woman, blood drops following her bloody footprints in the snow. Her hand held her axe, it swung close to her leg, almost grazing it with each time it move with her steps. She stared in the direction she was walking in, not that she knew where she was going. She'd ventured further away from the new place she called home and she'd fallen victim to something new, a numb state which made her almost blind to everything around her. 

A twig snapping around her didn't even bring her back. Iona could not hear any sounds. It was simply silence, bliss, the only sound in her mind was her heartbeat, steady and calm. She continued to walk, her footsteps steady and at an average pace. In her mind, it was blank, she didn't have any feelings inside, there was nothing there and her senses were not working, she was like the walking dead. 

As her right foot left the ground, she felt a clamping around her left leg. It wasn't painful, more of a shock, the shock she needed to wake her back up to the world. The sounds came back to her ears, a growling and snarling could be heard as the pain in her leg began evident. Swinging her head and axe around, she came face to face with a wild, grey wolf. Her eyes widened as she swung the axe at the creature which let go of her leg, but missed getting hit by the axe. 

Little Bear turned, her body facing the wolf as she prepared herself internally. Swinging her axe at the beast again, she watched as the animal moved away, stepping out of her weapons path of destruction. Baring her teeth at the wolf, she tried to scare it off that way, the lone animal did not seem phased by her actions though. Instead the wolf launched himself at her, Little Bear was quick to bury the blade of her axe into the head of the wolf before it could put it's teeth into her. Stumbling back, she watched as the animal fell to the ground in front of her, the life disappearing from it's eyes as she also fell down, falling back on to her bottom. 

Blood seeped from her leg, her own blood was tainting the white snow below her. She lifted the leg of her pants revealing the damage which had been made by the wild beast. The blood was oozing out of each puncture wound left behind, some wholes were deeper than others, all would definitely leave scars on her pure skin. Cupping her hands in the snow, she picked some up in her hands before pushing it against the open wounds on her skin. She hissed as the cold stung her leg, only now did the pain in her leg become evident. Letting out a groan, she held the snow tight against the bite mark, she needed to calm the pain she had in her leg if she wanted to get any where any time soon. 

Another sound caught her attention, jerking her head around to follow the sound, she looked into the eyes of another grey wolf. Keeping her eyes on the wolf, she fumbled with her hand in the snow to find the axe but she was unsuccessful as the animal lunged at her, the teeth bared and snarling as it ripped it's teeth into her right arm, yanking her from the spot she sat in. Little Bear didn't scream, she didn't pull her arm back either, she knew trying to pull her arm from the mouth of the animal would cause more damage. She looked back, her left hand reaching for the hilt of her axe, her finger tips brushing against it but not gripping it, it was too far from her grasp. This was the point where panic should have set in but still she only felt the pain from the bite, she felt nothing else, there was no feelings inside, she was not scared, she embraced her fate even if it was not what she thought her life should be.

The wolf moved sharply, pulling on her arm before letting it go, the brief moment gave her a second to reach for the axe. When she got it in her hands, she felt a calm moment of relief but it was snatched away in an instant, pain radiated through her right side of her face. Moving her eyes rapidly, she found the wolf was hanging off her face. Using her good arm, she swung the axe into the head of the wolf. Pulling it back, she hit it again and again, even after it fell, she continued in a frenzy to drive the axe into the animal over and over. 

Iona didn't hear anything but she was screaming, her anger coming out as she buried her axe into the wolf time and time again. Exhaustion was not far behind, she finally finished, pulling herself to her feet. She was tired, there was much blood which had been lost but she would not let it defeat her. Staggering back in the direction she came from, she pulled her furs close around her skin, hissing when they caught her wounds but hopeful that using her clothing, she might stem the blood loss. 

Little Bear had felt pain in her life, she was used to getting hurt and taking care of herself but as she slowly continued her journey back to the place she'd gotten used to, she began to feel different. She was tired, her life had short but it felt like it was constant pain. The love she'd felt in her life had been taken away from her. She started to feel like she didn't deserve love, like there was something wrong with her. 

Walking as far as her legs would allow her, she could see smoke close to where she was, but it was still too far away. Stumbling forward, she fell onto her knees before falling onto her right side on the snow. It should have felt cold and wet below her but it just felt like she was floating. Iona stared forward, the snow covered trees was the only thing she could see from where she laid. It was like there was nothing, no one, and for the moment, Iona felt content. 

Virago - Ivar The BonelessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang