Moments of Beauty

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After their kiss, Iona and Hvitserk continued to spend time together. He knew it was all for nothing, he knew not to let himself get in too deep, deeper than he already was. Iona, on the other hand, found herself enjoying every single moment with Hvitserk, enjoying it so much that she was sure he was the only man she'd ever have feelings for. Hvitserk could not bring himself to do more than kiss or hold her close, his loyalty was to Ivar even if he'd betrayed his trust a little. 

These moments continued on together until one evening the two were at dinner with King Olaf and Canute. Around them, people ate their own food and drank around them but King Olaf announced they would be leaving for Kattegat in the morning. 

Tilting her head to the side, Little Bear listened as King Olaf turned his attention to Hvitserk, the two of them engaging in conversation. The King spoke of the journey, how it would be long but that he wanted Hvitserk to lead the way, that Hvitserk would be the one to take them to Kattegat, to Ivar. Iona wondered what Kattegat was like, she wondered if she'd seen the place in her mind, in her dreams. She tried to picture Ivar but the only thing that came to her was the bright blue eyes, the eyes that were haunting. She didn't know who they belonged to, the person who had them could have been dead for all she knew. They could have been a family member's, a friend's, one thing for certain, they were not Hvitserk's. 

Whoever they belonged to, she needed to meet them, to put her mind at rest.


The journey was long, Hvitserk took the lead on this journey, he walked ahead of everyone. King Olaf was somewhere in the middle, he was not too far behind Hvitserk, but chose not to be near the front. Little Bear was more towards the back, she was heavily clad in furs over her black cloak, a hood covering her head, shielding her face from the world. 

She walked at a slow pace, she didn't care if she was not close to the people she knew, she needed the time alone to focus her mind. In her mind she didn't feel like she could help with this fight. She'd listened to conversations, she'd heard more of King Olaf and Hvitserk talking but didn't understand what it all really meant. Everything felt wrong, there was a dark feeling deep in the pit of her stomach, she wondered what it all meant. She eyes flitted through the lines of people ahead of her, she eyes seeing the back of King Olaf's head, she didn't know if he could feel it too, if anyone else could feel it. 

Little Bear walked almost like she was in a trance, her feet took her in the direction she needed to go as she let her brain take over. She didn't see all the stuff around her, she didn't see anything only what flashed through her mind like she was there. Her hands were shaking, her fingers almost so controllable that she quickly clasped them together in front of her. 

There walked Hvitserk between the trees of the forest, his hair pulled back into tight braids as he looked like he was looking for something. He wore his green tunic under his waistcoat and he his hand rested on his sword which was tucked in his waistband. He walked with a purpose and for a moment there was a ringing sound in Iona's ears, before Hvitserk stopped in his tracks. 

She watched as he turned around, he was slow as he moved before she saw his mouth moving, he was obviously talking but she couldn't hear the words. She studied him, taking in his appearance noticing the little things about him. His dirty blonde hair was pulled messily away from his face, stray hairs poked up from his braids, his skin was blemished but clean, staring at him, she wondered what this memory was.

She moved towards him, the ringing in her ears returned she was watched him blindly. She saw the look on his face change to confusion, she wondered what she'd said, she wondered when this took place. 

Hvitserk didn't look too much younger than he was now, he looked angry though. She'd followed him before, just the two of them. She'd been alone with him, she wondered how much time they had truly spent together in the past. Was Hvitserk someone she continued to follow?

Staring at Hvitserk, Little Bear continued to walk towards him and King Olaf. She caught up with them, King Olaf nodded at the young woman before walking on leaving Hvitserk and Iona alone in the middle of the troops walking around them. She looked up at the man before her, she smiled as she looked at his hair and then at his face, his beautiful eyes which shined so bright in the sunlight. She smiled to herself as Hvitserk slung his right arm over Iona's shoulders as they started to walk side by side. Pulling her in close, Hvitserk took a moment to take in her beauty, staring at the young woman, he knew she'd be an amazing person and he was correct. 

"I know what you're doing," Iona spoke softly as she focused on where she was walking. She'd felt his eyes on her, she knew he was checking her out, not that she had an issue with that. 

Hvitserk looked forward again, a blush creeping across his cheeks as realised he'd been caught. "I just wanted to look at you properly," he sighed as he kept his eyes off her. He needed to concentrate on the upcoming battle he'd no doubt be facing. At his side, he felt Little Bear lay her head on his arm which was around her shoulder, he looked at her for a second, a smile on his lips before looking away. "Whatever happens, I want you to know, I will never let anything bad happen to you." 

She let a little chuckle leave her lips, she stayed close to him as she thought about what might await them when they arrived at their destination. "I am not afraid," she spoke quietly. 

Listening to her words, Hvitserk bit his lip. She was not her old self at all, Hvitserk was worried for her. There was two possibilities for her reunion with Ivar and he knew it. She would see him again and remember everything, she'd return to the person she once was, or, she'd not remember a thing and be able to defend herself. Either way, Hvitserk feared for the young woman's life. 

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