Reunited After Death

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Iona liked to spend time alone in the boy's training area. There she would work on her bow and arrow skills, not that she needed much more training. She was itching, her whole body itching to cure the madness that seeped at her veins. She didn't know if it was meant for her to feel this way, she didn't know if others felt this way but she didn't want to ask. Her urges were based on blood, she needed to see blood, she wanted to see someone, anyone, suffer at her hands. 

The rage was building in her body as she heard loud sounds in the distance. She turned her head angrily to see if there was any way she could see the commotion, but there was nothing for her to see. Dropping her bow, she pulled out a small knife from her boot before thrashing it angrily into the air, the sounds seeming to get louder. 

She wanted to scream, she wanted to let out all the pain she was feeling. It was like she was burning inside. Something didn't feel right today. 

Little Bear picked up her bow as she tucked her knife away, she trudged over to the tree where she pulled out the arrows she had fired. 

Closing her eyes, the sounds in her head cancelled out the noise around her. As she focused, she felt things were not right, close to her and far from her. Opening her eyes wildly, the colour changed to a white leaving only her small pupils to bring any kind of colour to her eyes. She listened intently to work out the directions of the banging. 

The sounds abruptly stopped leaving her confused. 

Turning on her heel, she headed into the direction of main Kattegat. The streets seemed eerily quiet as she walked them, her hands holding her bow tightly as she slung her bag of arrows over her back only keeping one out ready. 

"What's happening?" She whispered to herself as she headed towards the main area. She hoped to find answers with Aslaug. 

When she turned into the main road, she found herself at the back of a very large gathering of people. She raised her eyebrows as she tried to stand on her tiptoes, she needed to see what was happening. 

There was a certain quiet that was harsh, it scared her a little. 

Aslaug was in trouble, she could feel it. 

Looking around, the people she was behind were strangely familiar yet unknown to her. There was a loud clatter. She tried to move forward, but the people were stuck fast as she heard a few words. 

The words were barely audible, but she knew the voice belonged to Aslaug. 

An opening in the crowd cleared. Little Bear moved swiftly, her eyes meeting Aslaug who was walking towards her. She was safe, she was alive and well. 

Then she stopped, it was sudden, almost like she didn't recognise her before a small smile crossed her lips. Iona stepped forward, then Aslaug just went down to her knees. Drawing back her arrow against her bow, Iona found herself staring into the eyes of her own mother. 

Little Bear looked down as Aslaug hit the ground, face down, an arrow in her back. The colour in Iona's eyes returning as she looked back at her mum, Lagertha. 

Everything hit her like a ton of bricks. She held the arrow back against the string, her hands shaking as she stared at the woman who had birthed her. 

"What have you done?!" Little Bear called out loudly, her eyes were wide and her voice was strong. 

"I'm home," Lagertha spoke to her daughter but loud enough for everyone else to hear. 

The crowd cheered, welcoming Lagertha as their new ruler. 

Iona pulled back the arrow more, her eyes trained on her mother. She knew it shouldn't be like this, a child should love their mother for their whole life. Something was holding back some love at this moment in time. Aslaug had been there for her recently, she'd taken her under her wing and let her stay like one of her own. 

The bow was knocked from Little Bear's hands with such ease, her rage had blinded her for a moment. The young blonde looked to her left and stared at the person who had interrupted her. 

The woman she found herself staring at was a little similar to herself, blonde, holding a sword and looking fierce. Iona knew exactly who she was dealing with, Torvi. Before Lagertha's daughter had left, Torvi had been there, she'd always been there for the famous shieldmaiden. 

"Torvi," Largetha warned her right-hand woman, she walked towards her daughter. She had missed her beautiful Iona in the time they had been separated. Largetha regretted their time apart, she should have never let her go away. The young girl she had once known had grown to be a stunning tenacious woman. As Largetha reached out for her daughter, Little Bear slapped her hand away. 

"You've done this," Iona narrowed her eyes at her mother as she stared at her. 

Largetha shook her head, "She did this to herself."

"This is a mistake," Little Bear felt the panic in her body as she realised what had actually happened. Her mother had done this, she had tricked Aslaug's two remaining son's leaving her vulnerable, leaving her with only the protection of a few. Iona should have been there, she should have done more. She shook her head crazily as she felt her hands shaking. "You're being watched, the God's they watch you."

Largetha looked at Torvi, "Take her away."

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