Questions From the Queen

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The days turned into weeks as Little Bear waited for the safe return of her brother and his family. To pass the time she found herself wasting her days with Floki, he would teach her how to build things, she worked on a boat alongside the man who wore more makeup than the women in Kattegat. The older man also taught the blonde how to use a bow and arrow correctly, showing her how to hunt and to attack. 

 When it came to the night Iona would either stay up all night, wondering and thinking about things, or she would find a man to share a bed with. The only rule Iona set for herself was not to sleep with either Ragnersson, she didn't wish to have Aslaug breathing down her neck. Little Bear how found it to be lovely, yet not at the same time. The time she had just gave her more and more time to come up with stupid scenarios in her heads, to think about things that weren't required or ever going to happen.

Aslaug had been quite welcoming whilst Ivar and Hvitserk were away. She took Iona out to the forest and tried to teach her how to make certain potions, Little Bear was much too interested in other things that Aslaug struggled with her. This particular day, Iona was spending with Aslaug in the forest, this time there was no potion-making instead Aslaug and the blonde sat together in a clearing as Aslaug made time to speak to Lagertha's daughter honestly. 

"How are you finding living in Kattegat?" The Queen asked the young woman who sat crossed-legged on the grass staring up at the auburn-haired woman who sat on a tree stump. 

Iona smiled, "I think I am enjoying it more than when I first arrived." Little Bear noticed how glamourous Aslaug always looked, she never left her home without looking her absolute best. She envied how lovely Aslaug looked without even trying, Iona was pretty but she didn't feel like she could ever live up to any of the other women in her life. "If I 'm honest I'm starting to think of it as home. I'm actually enjoying it quite a lot."

"You've been here for a few years now, I would hope you are enjoying it." Aslaug let out a small chuckle as she finished her sentence. "What about potential husbands, have you met anyone?"

Little Bear raised an eyebrow as she thought about the words the Queen had spoken. She nervously played with the green blades of grass by her boots. "I do not feel like there is anyone here that would be suitable for me," she didn't know what Aslaug wanted to hear but this was how she felt. 

The Queen watched the blonde for any signs that she was lying. Aslaug's visions were rarely wrong, she was sure that the woman before her was seeing one of her sons, she just couldn't prove it, yet. "What about Sigurd?" The wife of Ragnar already had her suspicions that it wasn't Sigurd, Iona was too much of a handful for her more gentle and compassionate son. 

The question caught Iona off guard, she looked up sharply at the beautiful wife of Ragnar. Shaking her head she pursed her lips, "We are close friends but that is all." Little Bear knew that Sigurd did not approve of her and the thoughts in her mind. She was not like him, Sigurd was a kind-hearted man with softer tendencies than Ubbe and Ivar. She noticed that he liked to play the lute and speak kindly to others. The only downfall of Sigurd was the way he spoke to Ivar, but that was something Iona took a part in too. In all, Sigurd was one of the kinder men she had met and as nice as he was, she wanted more. 

"He loves you," Aslaug told Iona. The expression on Little Bear's face changed, she did not want the love of Sigurd, he was a friend, nothing more. 

"I do not feel that way about him," Little Bear honestly replied to the Queen who waited for her to speak. "Believe me, I am happy as I am."

Aslaug watched the blonde who looked a little confused. "The Seer has told me there will be a woman ruler here in Kattegat. If you marry one of my sons that will be you," she told the blonde whose eyes widened at the words. "You can never marry any of my sons as long as I am alive."

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