Listening To Riddles

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Iona never made it to the Seer, she got close but her thoughts stopped her from going through with it. Instead, she found herself sitting with Aslaug in the main throne room, it was just the two of them as everyone else had gone for supper. Aslaug was sitting in her chair, her hands placed on the arms of it as she watched the young blonde who stood in front of her. 

"What do you wish to know, child?" Aslaug asked her as Little Bear shifted all her weight on her right side. 

The younger of the two took a deep breath before speaking. "What is of my future?"

Aslaug took a moment to think about what she would tell the girl before her. She could only see certain parts of the future and as much as she didn't want to, there were a few things she could predict about Iona's future. "Why do you feel the need to ask?" Aslaug didn't want to reveal too much without reason. 

"I need to know," the response that young woman gave the Queen wasn't satisfactory to Aslaug. "Has my future been decided?" 

Queen Aslaug gave a smile to the blonde before she focused her mind. She didn't need a moment to know what would happen to Iona in the future, she already knew, she just didn't want it to be true. "I cannot tell you much, child," Aslaug told Little Bear as she leaned back in her chair. "I can tell you that you will soon be reunited with your mother, this is something which will bring you great peace."

Little Bear nodded, she wished to see her mother soon and this was good news. "Thank you," she was grateful to Aslaug for telling her a little something even if it didn't confirm nor deny Ragnar's words. 

As the dark-haired woman watched the young blonde walk away, she frowned at the truths in her head. Aslaug herself had her own things to think about with the future she had seen for herself. Things were soon to take a dark turn in Kattegat and Aslaug was the only one who knew it so far. 


Little Bear had been watching over the next few days, she'd seen the three older Ragnarssons separately spend some time with the slave Margrethe. It didn't take a genius to work out what was happening, although when she saw her with Sigurd she followed, just to be sure. There, in plain view in the same field, the two had spent time together chatting, Sigurd and Margrethe began their moment together. 

Iona walked away, she was satisfied she knew that all three, Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd were having sex with the slave. What confused her was why. It didn't seem like she was anything special, sure she was pretty enough but there was nothing that scared out that she was worthy of the Princes' attention. The other thing that seemed to confuse her was the fact that the three brothers were happy to share one woman. They were the Ragnarssons, they could have anyone they want, they could have as many as they like yet the three had settled with the one woman.

As she headed back to her hut, Iona was stopped with Bjorn. "We need to speak," he told his half-sister as he managed a smile at her. 

"Of course, brother." 

They entered her hut together, both of them sitting on chairs in front of the already lit fire. "I will be travelling across the Meditteranean Sea. Aslaug assures me you are welcome to stay here, you will be safe." Bjorn cared deeply about the girl who was so much younger than him, the girl who had been a miracle to his mother. 

"Can I not come along?" Iona asked him as she took her fur cloak off and let the natural heat of the room warm her skin. 

Bjorn shook his head, "I am afraid not. This is where you belong now," his words didn't make his sister feel any better. She needed to feel like she belonged and that was not how she felt, here she felt lost. 

Her fingers glided along the edges of her cloak before she let out a sigh. She needed an escape, it seemed leaving Kattegat wasn't an option after her last attempt, never the less, she had to do something. "I'll ask Ragnar if I can go to England with him."

Her brother couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "My father may have done many things and had many followers, but you are not one of them. Why are you so intent on leaving Kattegat?"

Iona watched as Bjorn tried to figure her out. To him, it seemed that recently she'd changed and become paranoid about being here. The problem was, she didn't share her problems with him leaving him unable to help her. Ragnar had told him about the state he'd found her in when in the woods but Bjorn decided against asking her afraid of the truths she may have revealed regarding her time alone. He knew no one got an axe wound like she had from herself which meant someone else was around. 

She smiled at him, sweetness dripping from her innocent face. "I'm not," she lied to him. She didn't want to burden him with her feelings, after all, that was all it was. "I just miss our mother," this wasn't a lie. Iona missed Lagertha greatly, but it was easier to use it as an excuse. 

"As do I," he admitted as he got to his feet. "When I leave please make an effort with Aslaug. Ubbe and Sigurd will be able to help you with whatever you need."

"And Hvitserk," Little Bear smiled as she mentioned him. She'd recently found a soft spot for him. Getting up she watched as her brother's expression changed from one of someone who was content and sure of what they were saying to a sad, wistful smile. 

Bjorn placed his right hand on the back of Iona, she watched him knowing he was about to deliver some bad news. "He will be travelling with me," the truth was sad for Little Bear to hear. She needed people on her side whilst she was in Kattegat. With Bjorn and Hvitserk heading off and Ragnar going to England, she knew it was probably going to be just herself and Sigurd here in Kattegat especially when it came to standing up to Ivar.

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