Chapter 2

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Jax stood with Ms. James in front of a single white door. Crystal hesitated before ringing the bell. A few moments passed before the door opened little by little, revealing a very young girl with long hair dressed in a sleeveless dress. On the girls upper arms were large bruises in the shape of hands.
"Sweetie, is your mommy home?" The little girls head nodded up and down before opening the door completely.
In the room behind her the TV was on mute, splaying lights against the walls. There was a strong smell of marijuana and cloudy smoke mucking the air. A woman was laying on the sofa, her hair spilling across the pillow and some touching the floor.
On the floor, heaps of clothes were scattered every few feet while a dog glanced at the strangers in the door lazily. This house was obviously not well kept.
"Honey, can you get your mommy for us? We need to talk to her." Again the girl nodded before walking over to her mother with timid steps. Gently she shook her arm.
"What!" She snapped at the girl making her scamper to the open doorway. Melanie stood and glared at the harsh light before realizing what it was. As soon as her eyes took in the clean cut of Jackson Teller, she was no longer mother of one, but nothing more than a crow eater. She staggered to the open door, pushing her arms under her breasts to make them seem bigger.
"Jax!" Her high pitched voice made the three wince and the little girl cover her ears. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in what, six years?" Jax's face hardened.
"Yeah because you left and didn't tell me I had a daughter. Why, Melanie?" Her face fell before quickly turning angry. She faced her daughter and roughly grabbed a chunk of her hair, pulling her into the kitchen. At the first scream Ms. James and Jax ran into the small kitchen but halted at what they saw.

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