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I don't know how many people still read this or make it this far but after recently redownloading Wattpad I receive many notifications for this compilation. I don't have the mentality to sit down and write a whole thing but my interest has been peaked once again in MBTI. It's as if I ripped off the dust cover to a whole chunk of knowledge I haven't really touched in 5 years and I just want to talk about.

SO if anybody wants to have a conversation in the comments feel free to indulge me!!

Mostly what peaked my interest today was shadow functions and analyzing the relationship between myself and my best friend. She is an INFJ and we essentially share all the same functions yet use them differently. Both Feeling yet She uses Fe while I use Fi. Throughout the years we've learned a lot from each other and have helped each other grow and I believe our personality types are ideal for doing so.

I learn how to use my Feeling function in a totally different way and so does she, same applies for our Intuitive functions. I find it so impressive how she helps me use Ni and write down plans and goals and narrow down all the ideas my Ne comes up with. Meanwhile I help her stay open to other possibilities and paths so she never feels too stuck.

Anyways that's just a bit of what I was thinking about but I'm very down to talk about anything MBTI related as it is such a large and interesting topic to me 😁

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