Things Someone's 7 yr old Sister Said

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ISTJ: "I'm the pants police"

ISTP: "You can't win. You don't even know karate"


ESTJ: "I'm a big fan of money"

ISFJ: "You're gunna be the slowest in the whole family"

ISFP: "I'm going to be an arteest"

ESFP: "I like my friend Mara because I can dance better than her"

ESFJ: "I'm the strongest in the whole family. Not even Dad is stronger than me."

INFJ: "I already cried out all my tears!"

INFP: "My tears are coming out"

ENFP: "I never wanna see you ever again. You're not my sister anymore."

ENFJ: "You're a big pile of nothing"

INTJ: "If I can't be happy, no one can"

INTP: "Okay. The moon better STOP following us!!"

ENTP: "Heads, I win. I put a curse on you forever"

ENTJ: "I want you to break open the window and get out of the car. Get OUT!"

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