How To Know If They Like You

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ISTJ:   Gives ultra intense eye contact

ISTP:   Confronts you directly

ESTP:   Is awkward

ESTJ:   Ultra listener, very attentive

ISFJ:   Lots of little glances and smiles

ISFP:   Blushes

ESFP:   Makes complete fools of themselves, in a cute way

ESFJ:   Brags in front of you

INFJ: You don't know and never will

INFP:   By the time you figure it out they'll like someone else

ENFP:   Can't stop smiling more than usual

ENFJ:   They'll act like perfection itself before you

INTJ:   Stalkerish

INTP: Intense trolling

ENTP:   Proves themselves with arrogance and arguing

ENTJ:   Hypercritical

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