Mother Mantras

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ISTJ: Routine, consistency, and responsibility give kids a sense of stability and security... And a good laugh every now and then never hurt anyone.

ISTP: Give kids the space to be who they are and make mistakes... Then, as adults they'll have their own minds and no shortage of good sense.

ESTP: Life is for the living, and kids will be kids... Why not show them life's adventures and make even the boring stuff of life more exciting!!

ESTJ: Running a tight ship with clear boundaries, collaboration, planning, and accomplishment gives kids the best and shows them how to get it.

ISFJ: It's the little things that make kids feel special and loved. A favourite meal, a comfy home, routines, family traditions, and just being there for them.

ISFP: Being a good person will show a child how to be a good person. And caring for a child in his own language will help him feel loved as an individual.

ESFP: Being there for kids, good or bad, is so important... Showing love and experiencing the joys and fun of life and people with them!

ESFJ: Focusing on caring, home, tradition, structure, and togetherness shows kids love and stability and brings happiness to the whole family!

INFJ: The best gift you can give a child is to know and accept her as the individual she is... And to encourage and support the child in doing the same for herself.

INFP: It's so important to give a child a framework for happy moments, insights on life, one-on-one time, and the space to grow as an individual.

ENFP: It's great to play and imagine with kids and it's amazing to help them discover and learn their unique gifts out in the world!

ENFJ:   Warmth, energy, and validation of individuality... Along with organisation and great talks... Help kids enjoy life and keep moving forward.

INTJ: Few things are more important than raising confident kids with high self esteem... And sometimes you have to think outside the box to make that happen!

INTP: If a child asks "Why?" It's important to answer, and engage them... Feed the child's mind and give space to build confidence, curiosity, and autonomy.

ENTP:   Letting children take in the world, stimulate their minds, be themselves, and make some decisions will foster confidence and self assurance!

ENTJ:   When a child has a problem, it's great to help them talk it through to decide on action... It makes the child feel capable and independent!

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