1: Zenin Clan

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so when i first started this book, i thought it'd be a megumi x reader, then briefly a gojo x reader, but it's most definitely a sukuna x reader now.

and i am thrilled about it. he's intriguing af. as is y/n tbh.

hope you guys like it:)

Megumi POV

"Why do I have to do this?" I huffed out as we followed Gojo through the city.

He glanced back at me behind his small-framed sunglasses, "You're the one who turned down being clan leader. So now you have to answer when summoned."

"Yea but why are we going?" Yuuji grumbled as Nobara nodded in agreement.

"Eh!? Aren't you excited to spend time with me!? See your sensei in action!" Gojo cried out.

"In action?" Nobara asked. "Why the hell would we care about that?"

Gojo smirked, "Because I'm the best. Obviously."

We took our time walking through Tokyo, the mid-afternoon traffic just beginning to pick up. The blaring sounds of car horns and loud, shuffling people filled the thick, humid air.

After spending most of my time on campus and in the sorcery world, I had grown a bit exhausted with city life. I liked my space. I liked being alone.

I fell in love with the silent mornings, peaceful evenings, and breathless nights. It's all I could hope for after the childhood I endured.

And as I neared graduation, I found myself weary of where I might be located afterwards.

Gojo said it was my own fault that my future remained unknown, and I guess he wasn't wrong, but the last thing I wanted was to be associated with the Zenin clan.

I didn't want that burden. The Zenin's felt too far gone for redemption. They were a sinking ship, and I wanted to stay clear of the wreckage.

Not to mention, I hated them. The way they've treated my friends and family, I could never take up my place as clan leader. It would be too shameful.

Except now, Naoya was sticking by Naobito in preparation to take over as the clan head. And he might be the worst Zenin so far.

I was stronger than him. Smarter. Kinder. A better leader. Not that he was much competition... Even still, I didn't want the title and responsibility. He could have it. I could keep him in check with or without being in charge.

Gojo and Nanami were disappointed, I think Yuuji and Nobara were too. Maki might be, but she also understood better than anyone.

I just refused to live for anyone else. I needed to think about myself.

Gojo had been trying to teach me that lesson for years, and I think he was pissed it kicked in right as the Zenin clan was ready to start preparing the next leader.

"I can't believe we have to see that asshole," Itadori muttered as he put his hands behind his head and looked up to the sky.

Today, we had been summoned. Naoya and Naobito, along with other prominent clan members had asked to meet with us regarding who knows what.

Well, they asked for me and Gojo specifically, but the other two were never left behind.

"If he says one fucking thing to me..." Nobara trailed off, steam already seeping off her.

Gojo snickered, "It's funny because you actually might be able to take him."

"Of course I can!" she yelled back.

"Yea, he's not a strong as he looks," I agreed.

Yuuji smirked, "He doesn't even look that strong."

"Looks like a whole bitch," Nobara laughed.

"The man pulls though," Gojo teased.

"Only because the women are forced to. There isn't a sane person alive who would love that man."

Gojo stopped suddenly, turning around to face the three of us. He looked more serious than normal, causing us to actually pay attention to him.

"Look, you're all third years now. You're getting ready to enter the professional world of sorcery. It might suck, but you all need to learn how to make your way through with these clans."

"Ok... And?" Yuuji raised an eyebrow.

"And, today is your time to show you're ready to be serious sorcerers. However this meeting goes, it'll get back to the high school and the higher ups."

"So don't fuck it up," he smirked before walking up to the front of the Zenin clan compound.

Yuuji glanced over at me, "He's talking about you, you know that right?"

"He's obviously referring to you," I shot back defensively.

Nobara rolled her eyes as she pushed past us, "Clearly both of you."

Yuuji laughed before following her, causing me to just smirk and shake my head. After these last few years, those two were my family.

I had never been closer to anyone than my peers at Jujutsu High. I knew they'd do anything for me, and the feeling was definitely mutual.

A woman greeted us, bowing before she spoke, "Master Zenin is waiting for you. Please follow me."

Yuuji watched with wide eyes, "Master?"

Gojo leaned in a bit, grinning softly, "Naoya's pet."

"What the fuck," I immediately snapped at Gojo. "Don't call her that."

I wouldn't consider him to be a total sexist like Naoya, he was just a fucking asshole. To everyone.

"No, he's right," Naoya walked out into the open courtyard, smirking at us.

I hate him so much. Why does he always look so damn smug?

"You're excused," Naoya called out to the young woman.

I watched as she bowed with a smile, quickly taking her leave. Even with the way he spoke about her, she seemed so pleased to just be acknowledged by him.

She was beautiful, sure, but it made me uncomfortable how much Gojo and Itadori continued to stare as she left. Itadori took after Gojo in more ways than one.

"So you like what you see?" Naoya noticed their wandering eyes.

Gojo giggled but Yuuji quickly shaped up, dropping his smile altogether.

"Actually..." Gojo smirked. "Kinda."

"You're disgusting," Nobara huffed out.

Naoya eyed her carefully, "You know, if you kept your mouth shut, you could receive the same attention. You're not exactly ugly."

She was ready to pounce when I put my hand on her shoulder, giving her a soft look of warning. She didn't need to waste her time with him. He simply wasn't worth it.

"Is she new?" Gojo ignored the situation altogether, talking about the woman who had let us in.

"Mm, she is." Naoya confirmed. "I've had a few new ones since your last visit, but she's my favorite."

"Your favorite what?" Yuuji asked, a concern washing over him.


"You son of a bitch," Nobara growled.

"Don't worry, I'll wife that one. She's worthy enough," he laughed. "However, as you'll soon see, not all of them are."

Disenchanted: Sukuna x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ