6: Confusion

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**Y/n POV**

I couldn't even remember the last time I had been alone for a night. It meant everything to me.

I definitely cried myself to sleep, still wearing Nanami's jacket as I cuddled up under the blankets. To finally let myself feel, it was freeing.

And even though my eyes and heart were heavy, I thought maybe I could find a way to start healing and push forward. Letting all my emotions out, it gave my hope.

I sighed softly, closing my eyes as someone knocked gently on the door. I wasn't ready to get up, but it looked like I didn't have much a choice.

I forced myself out of bed, slumping over to the door. "Yea?" I barely cracked it open at all.

Yuuji was standing there, perky and bright-eyed as he held a stack of clothes, "Good morning! Brought you some clothes!"

I nodded as I reached out to grab everything.

"Not sure what'll fit you, so there's stuff from all 3 of us for you to try out."


He shyly scratched the back of his neck, "I can wait for you if you want to go to breakfast. You hungry?"

I couldn't really bring myself to talk much so I just nodded along to his questions.

"Cool! I'll wait right out here!"

I shut the door and walked over to place the clothes on the bed. There was a pair of sweats from either Yuuji or Megumi that were baggy, but worked better than any of Nobara's bottoms.

She was a lot smaller than me for sure. I did end up wearing one of her tops. It was fitted and a little short, but it would work.

I met Yuuji outside the room after getting dressed and somewhat ready for the day, Nanami's jacket in my hand so I could return it.

"Ready?!" he beamed, and I nodded as I followed him.

"Here, let me hold this!" he took Nanami's jacket.

It was only quiet for about a second or so. The guy could definitely talk. It didn't matter if I responded or not, he was more than willing to fill the silence on his own.

I didn't mind. I wasn't feeling up to talking much anyway.

"So, uh, you sleep well?" he nervously glanced down at me.

"Fine," I nodded.

He stopped suddenly, a look of uncertainty on his face. I followed his lead and turned to look at him, "What?"

"I just wanna say sorry. You know, for last night," his eyes were locked onto the ground as he shoved his hands in his pockets, fidgeting a bit.

I just watched him closely, not really wanting to talk about the previous night. I could tell he had more to say though.

"And," he let out a sigh.

Called it.

"You should know we're about to meet up with everyone, to talk about stuff. I just don't want you to be caught off guard."

He really was one of the good ones...

"Yuuji," I called out his name as I took a step closer.

"Y-yea?" he stuttered a bit as he looked at me again, probably a little shocked that I acknowledged him.

"You're a nice guy. Thanks for sticking up for me so much yesterday."

"Of course, Y/n!" he beamed.

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