15: Turning Point

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So many old men in one room, there's no way I would even bother to learn all of their names.

Gojo and I stood before the large council, recounting the details of our plan.

"And you're confident, Miss Y/n?" a man named Yaga asked. He was the most polite of the bunch, so his name stuck.

Although he was still much older than me or even Gojo, he was a lot younger than most the other men in the room.

I nodded, "I am."

Lying didn't phase me, it never has and it never will. It's been one of my main forms of survival since my mother was taken from me, especially once I was stripped of my curse technique.

Besides, every man in here only got this far by acting in their own self interest, so why should I do it any differently?

If they weren't going to play by the rules, then they ought to be prepared for everyone else to do the same.

Gojo included.

"And what makes you think we'd trust someone like you?" the oldest looking man in the room asked.

He had a red guitar slung across his back. It was almost unsettling considering he looked like he would drop dead at any moment.

He was leading the council, and he was definitely the worst one so far.

I narrowed my eyes, "Someone like me?"

"As if we haven't already heard what you did to the Zenin clan!" his voice rose louder.

Gojo quickly interrupted, not wanting things to escalate any further. It seemed I already had a target on my back, one I foolishly hadn't even thought of until now.

Even as Naobito sat in the council, my mind didn't process my feud with the Zenin clan.

I had become so sucked into everything with Yuuji and Sukuna, I had let go of my original purpose. I lost site of the vengeance I still ached for. To avenge my mother, wasn't that my purpose as well?

"I don't see what other choice you have," Gojo was staying calm and collected for a change.

"I can think of a few," Naobito growled.

I smirked at his response, "Make sure to send some stronger reinforcements this time."

His jaw clenched, rage oozing from his eyes. I easily killed so many Zenin troops the night I was brought to Jujutsu High, and I would make sure he never forgot it.

"Y/n, enough," Gojo commanded as he took a step forward, pushing me back behind him just slightly. "She is under the protection of the Gojo clan now. And she is not our topic of discussion."

Naobito jumped up, smashing his fists against the table he was sitting at, "She will always belong to the Zenin! And we will demand for Yuuji's execution until she is returned!"

Chills raced up my arms as Gojo removed his blindfold to stare down the old man, "Are you saying you want to go to war with my clan? With me?"

A new cursed energy was flowing off him now. It was dark and icy, enough to bring the room to a deafening silence. Quiet enough to hear the escalating heartbeats of the men on the other side of the table.

I finally realized the true power of Gojo and his clan, along with what he truly meant to everyone sitting here.

So this is what everyone was so afraid of?

Maybe my technique was part of his weakness, but I had never felt his full strength. I had my doubts that this was even him really letting go.

I could never beat him on my own, let alone escape from him.

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