2: Wild Horses

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Megumi POV

Naoya led us back to a conference room. Gojo always claimed to hate him, but they were chatting like old buddies. It made me sick.

I knew there was a game to play in this world of sorcery, but I don't think I could ever do what he was doing. Just another reason not to be the clan leader I guess.

We sat down around a table where Naobito, Jinichi, and Ogi were already waiting for us. They all stared at me intensely, not paying much attention to anyone else.

"I'm surprised you came," Naobito was the first of them to speak up. He was trying to keep a stern, threatening presence, but I would never be intimidated by him. Or anyone else in this room for that matter.

"Well I was invited," I mumbled as I leaned back and crossed my legs, pulling out my phone to distract me. I wanted to be here less and less with every passing moment.

I couldn't care less about what they needed.

"Yes, however, you did turn down your destiny. You ought to be leading the clan by now."

"So even you don't like your son," Nobara snickered.

"Alright children," Gojo called out. "Let's play nicely."

"How about we start with some tea?" Ogi offered.

Naoya nodded, "Yes. I agree."

We stared at him as he rang a small bell. Its sound easily distinguishable.

He can't possibly be ringing for that woman from earlier... I treat my dogs better than he treats them.

"Oh, is that woman coming back?" Gojo smirked, obviously having the same thought process.

"Not her," he laughed. "She's much too good for a bell."

On cue, another young woman walked in, immediately catching my attention. Her hair was cut shorter than mine, rigid and untamed as it brushed across her. It looked as if someone chopped it with a dull blade.

Her bright red, deviant eyes pierced forward, not acknowledging us in the slightest. Her lips were tightened shut, yet still full and feminine.

Her clothing wasn't nice and traditional as we had seen on Naoya's other women, but they were tattered and cheap as she wore all black.

The most concerning aspect of it all were the cuts and bruises littered across her. Her arms were covered in bandages and there was even a group is stitches on the left side of her neck.

She wasn't a wife or a toy, she was a punching bag, clearly being abused by Naoya and whoever else.

What else were they doing to her? How did she end up here?

"Tea," Naoya demanded as she stood at attention. She remained completely unfazed and unafraid, her chin still lifted up towards the sky as she stared back at him.

"Now," he reiterated.

She glanced over at me briefly as she turned to leave. Her eyes narrowing before she redirected her gaze.

I had never experienced a look so cold and deadly. She didn't need to say anything for me to know that she hated everyone in this room, including me.

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