10: The Guardian

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**Y/n POV**

Maybe what I said to Megumi was unfair.

He's trying his best to be there for me. He's carried me away from terrible situations on more than one occasion now.

These are debts I'll never be able to repay.

And yet, I can't pretend that it's brought me any real comfort.

I'm tired of being praised for my strength. My endurance. My ability to look my abusers fearlessly in the eyes. My willingness to get up everyday.

If they only knew I was running purely off of hatred and vengeance.

It's hard to break when there's nothing left inside of you to get broken. And that's why I kept myself empty and shallow for so long.

Except when I saw Gojo's eyes, when I met the man my mother spoke of so often and in such high regard, I refilled myself with hope.

And it left me vulnerable.

For once, I just wanted something to be easy. I want to have trust and support and love and respect. I want to live without walls and without fear.

I wanted softness.

I forgot how much I wanted that until I met Gojo Satoru and finally saw those heavenly eyes. But it was all too good to be true.

I fell asleep with the notion that that would never happen for me, because what I considered to be my last shred of hope had just watched me get beaten to a pulp...

But I awoke to a new world entirely.

The feeling of a cool, damp cloth gently patted against the skin of my face.

"W-what?..." I mumbled out as I slowly began to open my eyes, confused by the sensation.

"Don't move."

My eyes immediately shot open with the sound of the familiar voice, and I tried to quickly whip my body around to face the outside of the bed.

"Sukuna?!" I winced in pain by the sudden motion I tried to force upon my body.

"What the hell brat. I said don't move."

The sunlight was no longer shining through the window, only the small lamp illuminated the dorm room.

Sukuna was sitting on a chair next to my bed, a large bowl of water placed on the nightstand as he continued to rinse the cloth before beginning to clean off my face again.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, but he still hadn't met my gaze. Instead, he focused on continuing to clean off the dried blood in my hair and on my face.

I had no idea what to think or say, so I just laid there in absolute awe over what was going on, unable to look away.

Of course he looked similar to Yuuji, but even with sharing a body, there were noticeable differences. It wasn't just his markings either.

His features were older, more mature looking. They held a sharpness to them that was in direct contrast to Yuuji's softness.

And his eyes, they were a deep red color like mine, piercing and intense, even now as he performed his actions so delicately.

I could've stared at him for hours.

"Your bed is a mess too," he finally spoke up.

I glanced around and noticed the sheets covered in dried blood and whatever else.

"Yea, I was exhausted when Megumi carried me up here."

I noticed his jaw tighten as I said that, almost as if it angered him, but I didn't understand why that would've been.

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