5: No Backing Down

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**Y/n POV**

I kind of felt bad that Megumi's jacket was covered in Zenin blood. But that tinge of guilt was definitely overshadowed by how amazing it felt to have my cursed energy back.

I felt invincible.

I know the third years who rescued me probably saw me as a villain now, but I didn't care. I didn't lose control tonight.

My mind was perfectly clear. I chose what I chose because the men of that clan deserve to burn.

If it weren't for Gojo threatening the safety of the third year students, I would've killed the rest of them too.

But like I said, I wasn't rash or clouded by revenge. Not entirely. I had to keep my wits about me if I was going to make it out of this alive.

They would all die. Soon enough. And if I could spare a couple of the good ones alone the way, then the wait would be worth it.

"What the fuck did you do tonight?"

Two oversized men popped up as we walked further into Jujutsu High. They looked a lot older than us, so I guess they were more teachers. Or just Gojo's friends? I couldn't really tell.

Were they waiting for us? Creepy fucks... It's the middle of the night.

"Ah! Nanami and Suguru! We brought a new friend!" Gojo immediately grabbed onto both my shoulders and shoved me in front of the 2 strangers.

I was now in between three giants. I was tall, but damn, these guys were fucking huge.

I looked up at their cold and icy glares. They were a lot more intimidating looking than Gojo, but I knew he was still the strongest.

I can't believe it took me so long to put together but he's the one with the six eyes. I just didn't expect the strongest shaman to be the absolute worst.

These two men though, Suguru and Nanami, I wasn't sure I had ever heard of them. Were they from a clan? Or randoms like me?

Either way, I wasn't showing an ounce of fear or emotion to them or anyone else. It's kept me alive this long.

"Why is she wearing Fushiguro's jacket?" the blonde one asked. I still didn't know which one was which.

"Eh? Oh, because she was naked when we found her. Chained up too. Kinky," Gojo snickered to himself.

I hate him. I hate him so much.

"Gojo, she's a child," the blonde one snarled as he chastised him. The other one though, he literally had to look away he started blushing so much.

"No she's not! She's 19. Isn't that right dear?" Gojo cooed.

"Stop with the fucking pet names," I snarled as I whipped around to face him. "And how the hell do you know my age?"

"You're 19?" the man behind me asked with a little too much enthusiasm in his voice. Not the nice blonde one. The other gross one.

"Yea, and how fucking old are you three? 30 something?" I hissed as I looked between them.

Gojo licked his lips as he took a step closer, grabbing lightly onto my chin so I would look up at him, "28 actually. Why? You interested?"

"You found me as I was in the midst of getting raped and all you can think about is fucking me? How original," I clapped back.

"Found you?" he smirked. "I think you mean saved you. And restored your technique."

I smacked his hand away, "I didn't fucking ask you to come. Just because you did, doesn't mean you own me."

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