Chapter 17

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital bed. My head hurt like a bitch, and I couldn't quite remember why I was in here. I saw Louis sitting beside my bed in a chair. He had tear stained cheeks and hollowed eyes. "Louis?" I whispered. He immediately sat up and walked over to me. 

"Harry, are you all right?" He said, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, my head hurts really bad though. Louis, I can't remember why I'm in here." I admitted.

Regret and pain crossed his face. "I'm not sure if I want to relive it right now, Harry. Your mum just went to find your dad and see if he can come see you. You remember what happened with your dad, don't you?"

"Of course," I said with bitterness apparent in my voice. "How could I forget?" I said through gritted teeth.

"Do you need anything? Like some water?" He asked.

I realized how thirsty I really was. "Yes, water would be great."

"I'll go get that," he promptly left the room and I still tried to put together the reason I'm in the hospital. All I know is that my head hurts.

Louis's P.O.V

As I walked into the white tile hallway, I found Harry's dad and mum, they pulled me into a hug. "Has he woken up?" His dad asked.

"Yes, but here's the thing. He doesn't remember why he's in the hospital. And I don't think we should tell him, unless we want another episode like that." 

"I really thought he was better," his mum whispered with pain in her voice. "I really did. There's been no screaming incidents, has there?"

I immediately felt guilty. I knew Harry was emotionally and mentally unstable, and I should've told his mom about the screaming fit he had in the car after visiting his dad two days ago. Two days ago? It feels like so long ago. "Um, yes there was. After he visited his dad two days ago, he had a screaming fit in the car and I calmed him down. I didn't know that it would have long term effects and I should have warned you before he got bad again." I told her.

"Oh, Louis, it's okay. I'm sorry I didn't tell you to warn me, you didn't know. I just want to thank you so much for calling the police and getting him here. I leave to visit his grandma...and I find out he committed suicide? I-"

"Sh!" I cut her off. "Harry's right outside the door. We can't let him now yet, okay?" 

She nodded. "Okay. Can we go visit him?" 

"Of course. I'm going to get him some water." I hurried off in search for a bottle of water.

Harry's P.O.V

I watched some sort of show on my television as I waited for Louis to come back. Surprisingly, my parents walked in. "Hi mum, hi dad." I told them, giving a small wave.

They were on the verge of tears. "How you doing, son?" My dad said, sitting next to me.

"I'm all right. Wish I could remember why I was in here, and I wish Louis would tell me. Will you guys tell me?" I prayed that they would.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we should tell you that right now. Okay?" My mum said, grabbing my hand. "I'm just so glad you're all right." 

"What day is it?" I asked. Was I missing school?


"Oh, shoot! I don't want to miss school! I've missed enough already." 

"Oh," my mum said, "it's fine. We emailed the teachers what...happened, and they said they'd give you the homework assignments on email tonight. They said today's mostly study hall, though. You'll be okay." 

"Damn, my teachers get to know and I don't. How ironic."

"It's for your own good, honey." She said, patting my arm. 

A few moments later, Louis walked in with a bottle of water. I downed the water in like half a second, and took small sips as we all talked, my head was beginning to feel better. A nurse came in and Louis whispered something to her, she nodded understandingly and told me she was going to inject more morphine into me. I didn't know what morphine was, but I didn't have time to ask. She'd already injected me with a needle and I was getting drowsy. Louis kissed my forehead, and then I fell to sleep.

Louis's P.O.V

I waited out in the waiting room, they wanted me to wait there while he napped. It was torture. What if the morphine was too strong? What if he wakes up, remembers, and tries to kill himself again? What if he dies in his sleep? So much could go wrong, and I'm forced to sit out here. Harry's mum and dad went to his dad's chemo session, and I hoped to God it worked. Harry needed one less thing in his life to worry about.

Unknown P.O.V

They called an assembly right when we got to school. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I didn't really give a shit. I hate school. I can't wait to get out of this dump that they call a town. I sat up in the top corner with my buddies, we had a fun weekend, we'd say.

"Now," our principal said into the microphone. "It's been a real concern of mine that certain students are getting bullied. One student, I won't say who until the end of the story, but, he almost took his own life yesterday afternoon. He overdosed on pills, but another student - once again, I'm not naming names until after the story is over - drove to his house and called the police. He's alive, I just got word from his mother. He woke up this morning and he can't remember what he's in the hospital for. The student who saved his life doesn't know what happened specifically, but knows for a fact that he was pressured into doing this by bullying. Do you guys think this is a joke? What's so funny about bullying someone so much that they would take their own life? That's just sick and repugnant. Now I'm not going to instigate a full on investigation to find out who bullied to student into suicide, but if they want to come forth they may do so in private and certain actions will be taken on that person. The student - in case you're wondering, is Harry Styles. Louis Tomlinson saved his life, and said that someone had thrown rocks through his window telling him to kill himself, and that he was a fag. Whoever did that, just know that they'res nothing wrong with being gay, and you shouldn't shame someone for that. And remember, never ever tell someone to kill themselves. Even as a joke."

The auditorium went dark and a heavy silence filled the room. When the lights came on again, the teachers had left. We weren't sure what to do, but I glanced uneasily at each of my friends. I felt sick to my stomach.

Had we really bullied someone into taking their own life? 

A/n: UGH i know i suck all my chapters are short but i have a good idea for the next chapter don't worry :) thank youu xx

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