Chapter 15

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Harry's P.O.V

After school I was going to Louis's house, I told my parents and all and they were fine with it. Well, I told my mom. My dad doesn't check his phone right now. I tried to push any thought of my dad out of my mind, considering his current condition. I got on the bus with Louis, and he took a seat with me, wrapping an arm around my waist while I leaned back into his shoulder. I sighed as he played with my bouncy brunette curls. "Fag!" Someone yelled, throwing a paper which hit Louis in the head. He picked up the crumpled piece of paper which now lay on the floor, turned around and threw it back at him. "Oooh, look, he's fighting back! Wow." He said, throwing a pencil at him. 

"You know what," Louis said, picking up the pencil and throwing it back. "Fuck off. Just leave me alone."

"Oh wow, it stands up for itself! How interesting. We should document this." 

"Fuck off! Just leave me alone! I don't know why you do this, but maybe your lives are just so pathetic that you thrive on other people's ruined lives. But, just warning you, I'm an athlete, and I won't hesitate to punch you so hard you're not even going to remember your first name. So either get the hell out of my life and leave me alone or face the consequences." Luckily, after his speech, we were at his house already. 

"Come on, Harry, let's go." He picked me up from my slump and walked off the bus with me, holding my hand tightly. My hands got sweaty, so I let go and he gave a slight chuckle.

"Mom? Dad? I'm home." He said. 

"Oh, Louis! You must be Harry, right?" His mother entered from the kitchen, she was wearing a baking apron and had her brown hair tied back into a ponytail. She had a kind smile and a firm handshake, he felt comfortable here already.

"Hi, Mrs. Tomlinson. You have a lovely home." I commented, taking a look around.

"Well aren't you just too sweet." She said, with a big smile.

"Hey, Mom," Louis interrupted, "where's dad?"

"Out in the shop. Working on the car. Why?" 

"I have to tell you guys something," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, alright. Well just let me put the casserole in the oven and I'll meet you all in the living room, alright?" 

"Okay." Louis said, walking to the back with me following close behind.

I entered what I thought was "the shop" to see a blue car, I think it was an old Mustang, getting worked on by his dad. He was working on the engine when Louis cleared his throat. "Oh, hi, I didn't even know you got home. Who's this?" He pointed at me.

"This is Harry, my friend from school. Hey can you come to the living room really quick? I have to tell you guys something." He said, not meeting his dad's eyes and looking at the living room for a split second.

"Alright. Hello, Harry, nice to meet you." He wiped his hands on his jeans and shook my hand.

We all walked to the living room and Louis and I sat in the love-seat (ironic, huh?) and they both sat on the couch in front of us.

"Now, I want you guys to listen very carefully, okay? This is a very big decision and moment for me so here it goes." He took a deep breath and glanced at me, I gave him a slight nod and a meaningful look. "I'm gay." He said, almost breathless.

"What?" His dad said.

"I'm gay, and me and Harry are dating. We were secretly dating for a while, I just didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to come out yet. And he stuck with me through this, even though I was a complete jerk to him, and I just thought I'd tell you guys because I came out to the entire school today. I love you guys so much." He whispered, grabbing my hand.

"We love you no matter what, son. How long have you known that you were gay?" 

"Since eighth grade, actually. I just pushed the thought out of my mind because I thought I'd get made fun of. But now, I got made fun of today but I stood up for myself. Plus the rest of the school except for a select few are really supportive."

"So you and Harry are an official item now, right?" 

"Yes," Louis told his mom.

"Well," she said, "congratulations. You two are an amazing couple to have stuck with each other through this," she smiled at both of us.

"You know," I interrupted, "Louis has helped me a lot with a journey I'm having myself. My dad was diagnosed with cancer two days ago," Louis's mother gasped, "and Louis was one of the first to know. He came over that night and hugged me through all the tears. He's still in the hospital, and I'm not sure when I'm visiting him next. I'm gonna ask my mum when I get home. But I just wanted to tell you guys how much Louis has helped me, and how you raised him so well." 

"My wishes and prayers go to your family, in hopes that your dad lives." His dad told me. 

"Thank you, sir, matter of fact, I should probably go home. My mum's probably lonely."

"Do you need a ride?" Mrs. Tomlinson said, standing up quickly.

"No, I'll just have my mom pick me up. But thank you so much for having me." I said, smiling sincerely at them.

"No problem, hun," she said returning to the kitchen to cater to the casserole which may have burned.

"You want me to come with you?" Louis whispered to me.

"Maybe. Let me call her really quick." I called her and this is how the conversation went:

Mum: "Hi, Harry, what's up?" 

Me: "I'm at Louis's house but I wanna come home. Could we visit dad? I miss him."

Mum: "Sure. Does Louis wanna tag along?"

Me (to Louis): "Do you wanna tag along?" 

Louis: "Sure." 

Me: "Sure."

Louis: "Mum, can I go visit Harry's dad in the hospital with him?"

Louis's Mum: "Sure, honey!"

Mum: "I'll pick you up in a few minutes?" 

Me: "Okay."

I hung up and me and Louis just waited, we ate some of the casserole that wasn't too badly burnt, in an attempt to fill our stomachs. My mum's car pulled up and we got in the back seat. I was getting more and more nervous the closer we are to the hospital, so Louis held my hand. When we were walking into the hospital, we didn't break our hand bond. We got some nasty looks, but we didn't care. We went along and visited my dad.

"Dad, how are you feeling?" I asked as soon as I entered the room.

"I'm doing all right," his eyes sparkled. "Are you two official?" He said, nodding at our intertwined hands.

"Yeah, Louis just came out today and now he's not afraid to love me."

"Oh shut up," Louis said slapping my shoulder playfully. 

"I'm just so happy you're happy," he said. 

"Dad, have they started chemo?"

"Not yet. We're starting later in the afternoon." He told me.

After a nice long visit with him, no tears so far, we left. As soon as we got into the car, I had a breakdown. Luckily it was just Louis in the car, my mum was talking to one of the nurses about chemo.

"This isn't fair! My dad has always been there for me. Why him of all the people? There are people out there who abuse their kids who deserve to get cancer. My dad has been one of my best friends my entire life and now he's got cancer? What in the absolute fucking hell!?" I screamed, tears streaming down my face as I started to punch the seats in the car.

"Harry, Harry, listen to me." Louis said grabbing my hands. "Sshhh, everything's going to be okay. Just relax." He said, whispering as I looked up at him through tear-stained eyes.

"I love you," I whispered, finally giving in and leaning against him.

"I love you too," he whispered, kissing my forehead. 

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