Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V

I stayed with Lindsey all day, and went home when it was dark. Her dad drove me home, and on the way home, I got a pep talk. "Now, if you're interested in my daughter, I just want you to know that she's very special to me and I love her very much. So, if you want to date my daughter, I need you to prove to me that you're responsible enough to take care of her, all right?"

It took me everything I had not to laugh. "No, Sir, you have it all wrong. I don't want to date your daughter, I just want to be friends with her." I told him, trying to be as respectful as possible.

"Really? I mean, you're a teenage boy, she's a teenage girl, she's pretty, I don't buy it." He said, turning a corner.

"No, Sir, trust me...I have no interest in your daughter whatsoever."

"Are you saying my daughter's ugly?" He said, his voice was getting more defensive.

"No! Not at all," I knew I had to tell him. "I don't girls."

He pulled into my driveway. "Oh, Son, you're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't assume things first off that you want to date her, it just seemed like...anyway, I'm sorry...please, let's just forget this ever happened, all right?"

"Of course, Sir," I said, getting out of the car. "Thanks for the ride!" I called, shutting the door and running into my house, throwing a wave over my shoulder.

I was exhausted, I could barely keep my eyes open. Thankfully, I didn't have any homework. I walked in and saw my mom and dad asleep on the couch, they'd fallen asleep watching a movie. I smiled. They were so cute. I went up to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and climbed into bed. I tried to think a bit about the day, but instead I fell into a comatose state of slumber.

As soon as I woke up, I noticed that I woke up almost an 2 hours early. I sighed, rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. After trying and failing, I decided to get up and take a nice, long, relaxing shower. I rolled out of bed, careful not to wake my parents, tiptoed to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped down and stepped into the steady stream of water, I shivered at the sudden change in temperature, but got used to it. I let the water trickle down my back and body, my hair immediately began to flatten and become sopping wet. I closed my eyes and wondered how this year would go. Would I spend it the entire time getting ignored by the one I love? Will he come to his senses and realize that we could be together and ditch his jock friends? I guess only time will tell. I heard my alarm go off from my room, so I stepped out of the shower shortly after turning off the water. My hands were slightly pruny, I dried my hair with the hair dryer after wrapping the towel around my waist, I had a really good hair day so I decided to dress nice to match it. I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room to pick out an outfit. I picked out a blazer with a plain white t-shirt, skinny jeans, and converse. I thought this would be a pretty good outfit to match my pretty good hair. I heard my stomach rumble and went downstairs. I decided to make my parents breakfast, I popped the toast into the toaster and made myself some tea to go along with it. I sipped my tea slowly and waited for the toast, I buttered up the toast and set them out on the table. I knew it wasn't much, but who doesn't love toast, am I right? I sipped my tea and made them some, then, I heard my parents walking down the stairs.

"Harold!" My mother cried out in surprise. "You made us breakfast?"

"Morning, Mum. Morning, Dad," I said, sitting down at the table and taking another gulp of my tea.

"Well, aren't you cheeky. Look at you, you're dressed to the nines! Anything happening at school?" My dad nudged, sitting down and getting started on his toast.

"No, I just had really good hair and I wanted a good outfit to match. And, I had extra time, so I made you guys breakfast." I said.

"Well, you're such a sweet boy." My mom said ruffling my hair and starting her toast.

We all ate in a comfortable silence, soon, they all went to do the dishes. I stood up and stopped them. "I'll do the dishes," I said, checking the time. I had more than enough time to do the dishes. I could probably write a short book in the time I had until school.

I took off my blazer and set it on the chair so it didn't get wet when I started soaping up the dishes. After washing the dishes, I went and watched some TV. Then, I saw the time and went out to catch the bus. I felt like today was gonna be good.

The big yellow vehicle rolled up to the stop with a screeching sound. I climbed on when the doors unfolded gracefully in front of me. I saw the familiar face of Lindsey, my best friend. I grinned ear to ear and sat beside her.

"Well, you look awfully cheery this morning, something happen?" She said, curiosity sparkled in her eyes.

"Nah, I just got a fresh start, I'm having a good hair day, I made breakfast for my parents. I dunno, I just feel like today's gonna be a good day." I said, distractedly while looking at the sunny sky outside.

"Good, good." Lindsey grinned from ear to ear.

"How are you feeling this morning?" I said, turning to her.

"I'm feeling pretty good. Not bad, not great either. Just...pretty good." She said, giving a slight half smile.

"That's good. Maybe today'll be good for once, or something." The bus lurched to a stop and her and I got off the bus and started into the school.

Now, this is the moment that my day will get good or not. My locker. Louis, will he do the right thing and try to accept my friendship? Or will he turn his back on someone who needs nothing more than his love an affection for his jock friends who don't know his real side? I guess we'll see.

I clicked the familiar numbers into my locker and swung it open. "Hey," Louis's sweet voice rang out. I didn't look up, thinking he was flirting with some girl.

"Hello? Harry?" He said. I looked at him, and noticed he was looking at me.

"Oh, me?" I said, shutting my locker.

"Well, your name is Harry, isn't it?" He said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I guess. What do you want?"

"I just want to apologize," Louis said. " know," his voice lowered to a whisper, "kissing you out of the blue like that. I should've known better, and I'm sorry that I stole your first kiss even though I knew we couldn't be together."

"I accept your apology. But I'm still mad. Louis, you have to understand that you're my everything. And when you kissed me, I was so excited, and led on to think that we had some sort of a chance to be together. You took away all hope, and I still love you. How wrong is that?"

"It's not wrong at all, because I love you too. I know I keep repeating this...but we just can't be together."

"Why can't we? It's not that hard coming out you know! And since you're so popular already, it won't affect you!" I argued.

"Well, if it's so easy to come out, then you do it! Right now."

"It doesn't work like that, Louis," I told him.

"Really? Well then how does it work? Tell me, I'd love to hear."

"You have the world at your fingertips, you just hang out with your friends and tell them. I have one friend, and I'm already out to her. I'm out to you, I'm out to my parents and I'm out to my friends dad, he thought I was trying to date his daughter when we're just friends and I have no interest whatsoever. If I were more popular, I'd go ahead and come out. But, I'm not and I'd get bullied. But, if you'll respect me, I'll come out. I'll make a post on Facebook...or something. I dunno. That's the only way I can think of coming out." I explained.

"Fine. Make a post on Facebook as soon as you get home, and show me you can come out. All right?"

"Fine. And you'll come out if I do?"

"I can't promise that," and with that, he swiftly turned and walked away.

i know this update is shorttttt....but i'm gonna make the next one better i promise. ilysm <3

Waiting For A Hero. (LARRY STYLINSON)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora