Chapter 9

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Harry's P.O.V

I was terrified, but I knew I had the chance of gaining him if I did this, and I had to take that chance. My hands were shaking as I logged onto Facebook. I started typing my status, my heart hammering.

"Hey guys..." I typed. "I know that I'm new, and a lot of you won't care and whatever...but I have something to say and I'm just gonna come out" - I snickered at myself for that one - "and say it. I'm gay. Thank you all for paying attention, please try not to bully me." I pressed send and started breathing deeply. I tried to slow my breaths. Maybe, just maybe, this time it'll be different. Maybe it'll all work out. Maybe he'll come out, and we can be together. Maybe this time I won't get teased to the point of insanity. I hope. 

I logged off and hoped everything would be okay. I came down to an after school snack of celery and peanut butter. I ate, but didn't speak at all. I was too anxious. "Everything okay, Sport?" My dad asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

"Son, you're a terrible liar. Now tell me what's wrong." He said, care and loving was in his eyes. I couldn't lie.

"Well...I made a deal with a boy at school who's closeted, that if I came out, he would consider it. And it's a big deal, he's older and he's super popular and he could be teased by lots of people, like I was. And I just came out on Facebook, and I'm worried about getting bullied." My dad looked like he was going to interrupt, but I stopped him and kept going. "I'm fine with coming out and getting bullied, as long as he's there for me to fall back on. I really like this guy, Dad, and the fact that this might be the thing to bring us together, I'd gladly do it. For him." 

"I'm proud of you, Son, and if this boy comes out as well, best of luck to the both of you. If you guys get together, I'd love to meet this boy that stole your heart. He sounds pretty special." He said, giving me a one armed hug.

"Yeah," I agreed. "He's pretty special." 

After I got busy with some dishes and other chores, I seemed to have forgotten all about my predicament. Soon, before I went to sleep, I remembered what happened earlier. I hurriedly rushed to open my laptop, my heart pounding. There was 20 likes, and some comments. I went to click on the comments. Here's what a few said, with first names that I didn't recognize:

Greg: "Hah. Faggot." 

Jane: "Wow...I had no idea. Good for you for coming out."

Sam: "Wouldn't have thought...good for you man." 

Amanda: "Plot twist! Haha best of luck to you."

Lindsey: "Wow...Harry, I can't believe you came out! I think I know why...we need to talk tomorrow."

Jim: "Agreed with Greg. Should've seen it coming, fag." 

Louis: "Hey, guys, cut it out. I give him props for coming out, it takes some guts to do that and he actually did. Let's all step back and give him some credit. Good on you man."

Dan: "Wow...Louis why are you defending him? You a fag too? You like guys? Hah. That's weird man." 

I logged off. Some of those comments stung. But, the comment from Louis made it all better. Along with Jane's comment, Amanda's and Sam's. The rest were pretty bad. I was worried for school tomorrow, but praying that Louis would come out too. 

I tried to sleep, but ended up staring at the ceiling for a good hour and contemplating if Louis would come out. I finally fell into a restless sleep.

I woke up on my own instead of my parents waking me up. Today's the deciding day on whether school's gonna suck for the next four years or not. I just hope I didn't screw up and let a boy get the best of me. I showered and got ready quickly, I was almost late to the bus but made it on in time. I saw Lindsey, and knew a talk would happen. I braced myself for the flood of questions.

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