Chapter 21 (last one)

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Four years later
Harry's P.O.V
I made it. I was at my graduation. Louis was in the stands, and Lindsey was at my side. Louis was sitting with my parents, and they were talking. Yes, parents. This means my dad's in remission right now. They started calling names, and then they said they wanted a few words from our valedictorian.

I stepped up and crossed towards the stage, yes, that's right, I'm valedictorian. After freshman year, when I had dug myself into a hole so deep I finally pushed through and I've been an honor student ever since. I've been waiting to give this speech, and I was ready. "Hello, everyone, friends and family. How is everyone this fine day?" I asked them. Everyone shouted back incoherent answers, but I hoped they were all good. "I've been waiting for the day that I can finally graduate, so I can look at everyone who's ever put me down and say, I made it. Because I did. As a lot of you know, I went through a hard time my freshman year. A really, really hard time. I found my first love, got my heart broken by him over and over, and made a great friend. Lindsey, honestly, you've been there with me through thick and thin. I know it's cliche but it's true. Anyways, when we finally went public, me and Louis, it was scary. It was hard for Louis to come out at first, he was too worried about what everyone else thought. Finally, he put aside his fear and did it for the greater good, our relationship. Since then we've been madly in love and he's supported me through everything I do. My dad was also diagnosed with lung cancer, it was very small though. They did chemo right away and he got better. He's in remission, and has been for four years. Call me an optimist, but I think everything's going to be okay. I thought I wouldn't get here, honestly, I mean for god sake I tried to kill myself when I was a freshman. I'm so glad I failed, because otherwise I wouldn't have had the pleasure of growing up and learning with this class. When I think of this class, I think of going forward. This class is so talented and I'm so lucky to be in it. They all say high school is the best years of our lives. But, really, is it? There's lies, tears, and drama for some people. Other people it's a breeze. I guess high school is just where we'll all learn what we want to be, and college is where we act upon it. I know this speech kinda sucked, but really, it's hard to write a speech!" Everyone laughed. I honestly didn't have the rest of the speech, so everyone just clapped and I sat back down. Lindsey told me I did really good, and I thanked her even though it was terrible.

They started giving diplomas, and Lindsey went up just before me when her name was called. Then mine. After everyone was called, we threw our caps into the air and started celebrating and cheering. It's funny, I used to be really short and wimpy my whole life but now I'm taller than everyone else. I'm almost taller than Louis, actually. I'm getting stronger too, I've taken up weight lifting and now I can lift up Louis. He says I've blossomed into a beautiful flower, and that he's so proud of me. My parents and Louis found me, and we all took pictures. I took pictures with Lindsey too. It was nice having Louis with me, because he's at college at SDSU, and it's really hard to see him because he's always studying. I still have to help him a little bit, but he's really smart. I'm going to U of O, because I have some family up there. I forgot to mention that we live in California. I don't think I ever mentioned that...

Anyway, as me and Lindsey were chattering excitedly - she's going to some college in Montana, I can't remember the name of it - we started already making plans to hang out and when we'll hang out, she got tapped on the shoulder by none other than the Brandon. "Brandon! What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I know I haven't keep in touch with you as much as I want, but I was busy with school and a job. I work at a book publisher. Anyway, I really wanted to come see you graduate. And remember that promise I made to you when you were a freshman?" 

She didn't remember. "No," she said awkwardly.

"I promised that I'd take you our when you're 18, so you're legal." He said to her.

"Right! Now I remember. So, when do you wanna go out?" 

"We could go out tomorrow night. Coffee, around noon? I'll meet you at the Starbucks near the mall?" 

"Sounds good. It's great seeing you, Brandon." She told him, they hugged and he awkwardly left. I was so happy for her. Now she had a shot at happiness, like me and Louis have. She was blushing and wouldn't stop smiling the entire night.

After everyone left, me and Louis had a serious talk at the high school.

"Remember back in your freshman year we said we'd get married when we're out of high school?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well, I think it might be hard holding a marriage when we're both in different states. I think we should wait until we're out of college to settle and marry." He told me. I felt hurt, but nodded.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. We should wait. But we'll still be together, right?" I asked. 

"Of course. Hey, we should go down and take a walk through the school. You know, reminisce." He said. I nodded.

We walked down the hall that I'd walked down a million times before. We found our old lockers. I stood in front of them. "Wow." I breathed. "This is surreal. This is where we met," I said, I felt so nostalgic all of the sudden.

"I know." He opened my locker, after we started getting super serious in freshman year, we told each other our locker combos and kept stuff in each other's lockers. It was the closest thing to moving in we could do at 15 and 16. When he opened it, there was a big poster that was full of pictures and photographs of us together. Like a scrapbook.

"Oh, Lou, did you make this?" I asked him. My voice has also gotten deeper since I was 15. He nodded.

When I looked back at him, he was down on one knee. Holding a small, velvet box. I gasped. "Harry, I'm unconditionally in love with you for so many reasons. I know we're going to stall marriage until we live closer together, but I really want to show the world that you're mine and I'm yours, and I only know of one way to do it. Harold Edward Styles, will you marry me?" 

I started crying, I couldn't speak. I nodded and he slipped the ring on my finger, standing up and hugging me. I didn't stop crying for a good twenty minutes, until finally I had to go home and start packing up my stuff. I'm moving out this weekend, and it's all so surreal. It's the end of an era. I know that me and Louis and Lindsey aren't going to see each other a whole bunch anymore like we used to, but it'll be okay. I'll still see them, and now I can really start my life. Plus, I heard college is much more accepting of gay people. 

When I got home, I entered the kitchen with Louis, the rings on our fingers proudly and I said the two words that I'd been waiting to say since I was 14. "We're engaged!" 

"Ahhh! Honey, I'm so proud of you!" My mom yelled, running to hug us both. "Congratulations!" 

My dad walked up and hugged both of us. "I'm proud of both of you," he said.

As Louis said he had to go, and get started on homework, he left and Harry walked upstairs.

Here it is. 

I'm here.

High school has come and gone.

I'm engaged.

I'm moving out.

Everything's moving so quickly.

And I love it. 

Waiting For A Hero. (LARRY STYLINSON)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum