Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Harry's P.O.V
((A/N: It's Thursday))
"Wake up!" I heard my dad yelling. I groaned and rolled over. "You got that big football game to watch today!" He teased.

I smirked, yeah, I told my dad I was invited and that I'd be out late. The only reason he's teasing me is because he found out Louis is on the football team, and he knows I fancy him.

"Shut up," I said playfully, rolling out of bed and fixing my hair, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed.

I went down for breakfast, we were having bacon and eggs. I ate hungrily and drank my orange juice, I then grabbed my backpack and headed to the bus stop. I got there and waited in the cold, I shivered slightly. I wrapped my sweatshirt around me tighter, and waited. Soon, I heard the roaring engine of the bus, and it soon came into view from the fog. I got on and saw Lindsey, I sat myself down next to her.

"Hey, stud!" She giggled, that's her new nickname for me now. We came up with it during Art yesterday. "You ready for the football game?" She nudged me and winked.

"Shut up," I felt my cheeks going red, all I said today was shut up. Those are the only words that have left my mouth since I woke up this morning. Incredible.

"Are you going?" I asked her.

"Yeah. But I have to leave halfway through. Family's coming." She gave a small shrug.

"You like any of the boys on the football team?" I wiggled my eyebrows and nudged her.

"Uhm, no," she badly lied.

"Lindsey, I can tell when you're lying." I told him.

"Ugh. Of course you can. I'm terrible at lying," she huffed.

"So who is it?" I asked her.

"Well...his name's Mike." She breathed quietly, looking around. She made sure no one heard her.

"Ooh, nice. I can hook you two up," I winked.

"Shut up," she said, now it was her turn to blush.

We got to school and we headed to math, I went to my locker to get my book and bumped into someone. None other than the last person I wanted to see.


Still wearing that same letter man jacket he always wears. I felt sick to my stomach as I saw him, he looked great. I awkwardly cleared my throat, grabbed my book and speed-walked to my next class.


Like usual, Lindsey was at her tutoring session. I ate my lunch outside, like usual. But as I was walking to my usual tree that I sit under, I was tripped. "Hey!" I croaked as my books and papers went flying. I panicked, I knew one of my papers had the sketch of Louis on it.

I saw a hand fly down to help me, it was Louis. His hand touched mine, my heart exploded with butterflies as I looked into his eyes. He looked at me, and for a moment, he looked happy. Then, he looked terrified and mad at himself. He drew his hand back like it was poison, and walked off with his friends. Luckily, the Louis picture was covered by a book. and he didn't see it. No one could have. I shoved the paper in my binder and went over to to the tree with all my books, settled myself down and began my newest sketch. (I don't own this, I found it online: fe4c1f2def8a06c6e9d83de6e4a241) I immediately hid it when the bell rang, and went to Art. I met up with Lindsey and we sat beside each other.

*Football game*

I shoved my hands in my pockets and breathed deeply as I waited for Lindsey. Her car pulled up, and she hopped out of the car. "Bye, Dad, I love you and I'll see you later tonight!" She shut the door and he drove away. "Ready?" She winked, walking up to me.

"Whatever. Can we just go sit down?" I said, blowing on my hands.

"Fine, bossy." She said, following me to the stands. I got a spot in the back, where I had a backrest. Me and Lindsey sat beside each other and waited for the game to start. Soon, the game started. Literally, in the first five minutes, Louis had already scored a goal.

"Woo!" I yelled. I hoped people took it as me cheering on the team, not just Louis.

*After game (ik i'm skipping a lot but just stay with me here)

As I was walking out, Lindsey stopped me. "Harry, could you wait? I have to pee." She said, rushing off into the girls bathroom. I sighed and waited outside for her. It slowly became deserted as she was in there, she was taking a while. I didn't know why, but I knew I had to wait. Then, I saw Louis walking by. I felt my heart speed up, and tried to ignore him. "Hey, Harry," I heard him say. His facial expression was unrecognizable.

"Yeah?" I said, turning to him.

"Why you hanging out by the girl's bathroom?" He said, his face grew puzzled.

"I'm waiting for Lindsey," I told him. Wait...did I see...hurt in his eyes? Did it hurt him me saying a girls name?

"Oh...are you guys dating?"

"No. We're just friends. She's...not my type." I mentally laughed.

"Well...uh, thanks for coming." He said, stepping towards me.

"Er, no problem." I said lamely.

"Hey...also, I'm sorry about earlier...not helping you with the books. Just, something came up." He said, inching closer to me.

Louis' P.O.V
As I inched closer, I felt my heart pounding. What was I about to do? Something that could change everything? I wasn't sure what it was about Harry...but he made me question everything about myself. Every girl I've dated...and if they were the right people for me? Was it girls I loved? Yes. Louis, stop this. Then again, Harry's got such great hair...I just want to run my hands through it as we kiss. Why am I still here? I should be leaving. Right now, before I do something stupid. "Oh, it's fine." He said finally, after what felt like an eternity.

I stepped even closer, oh what could it hurt? No one would know. If something happens, he wouldn't say anything, would he? And even if he did, who would people believe, me or him? Me. I'm the star athlete, the heartthrob...they would believe me. I could do anything. Plus, he's just a freshman. A little boy. I'm older...I have the upper hand here. "Harry, what would you do if I kissed you right now?" I whispered, my voice shaking and my heart racing. I don't want to be scared of this. I have to give in at some point.

He didn't answer, but his eyes went wide. He swallowed hard. I stepped so close to him to the point where I looking right down on him. "Well?" I demanded.

When he didn't answer, I pressed my lips onto his. Fireworks. Bombs. Sparks. I know, it's a cliche. But I really did feel sparks when we kissed. Like it was meant to be.

Wait?! What am I doing!? I can't kiss him! I'm a boy, he's a boy. It's all wrong! I immediately pulled back and looked at him. He had fear in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry." I whispered, my voice was cracking. I sprinted away.

Harry's P.O.V
I sunk down on the ground. Still trying to process what just happened. Louis Tomlinson just kissed me. I thought he was straight? What's going on? Finally, Lindsey came out of the bathroom. "What took you so long?" I said, standing up, hoping I didn't look like something big just happened.

"Doing my hair, but never mind that. What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Louis just kissed me." I said, my voice shaking.

"No. I don't believe you."

"Would I lie to you?" I said, starting to pace the ground.

"I...I don't even know what to think." She said, then, a horn honked. "I think that's my dad. Text me immediately, Mister!" She yelled over her shoulder. I didn't think I was going to text her anyway. Too much was on my mind.

I called my mom and told her to pick me up, she did and I was silent on the ride home. "How was the game?" She asked as I got in the car.

"Fine." I said a little too quickly.

"You sure?" She asked, glancing at me.

"Yes." I told her.

"All right," she said, but I knew she didn't believe me.

What will I do at school tomorrow?

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