Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harry's P.O.V

Since Lindsey wasn't here, I went and sat by myself. I ate my food in peace, just doodling in my notebook. I was careful to only doodle lines, arrows, and other "manly" stuff. Although, all I wanted to draw was flowers. Soon, Louis and his clique walked in. They all sat down at my table, but when Louis saw I was here, he said to the group, "Uh, guys, how about we go sit at that table?" They all kinda looked at him funny, but shrugged it off and followed him.

I felt that knot tighten in my stomach again, it was confirmed. He hates me. I packed up my stuff, not bothering to finish my lunch and went and sat outside in the courtyard underneath my tree. I forced myself not to pull out my notebook, because I was afraid of what I might end up drawing if there was no one around. I waited in silence until the bell rang, I went to my locker and put my lunch away, then went to Art class. I prayed that Louis wouldn't be late, and he wouldn't have to sit by me again.

I went and sat in my usual spot, and thank god Louis showed up before the bell rang because he sat at the other end of the room. This time, we got a project. We had to make a picture of us, altering our face in some way. I wasn't sure how easy it'd be, but I'd try.

After School
It took me a bit longer to go to my locker because Louis and his clique were all huddled around and I wasn't about to be the one to break it up, so I kept myself out of his sight while I waited for his locker to clear out. Finally, him and all his jock friends cleared out. "Hey, shrimp, you coming to the first football game?" One of them shoved me slightly, Louis looked super uncomfortable.

"Uh, Dallas I think we should go." He said awkwardly, looking down and shuffling his feet. I swear I saw him blushing, but I knew he wouldn't be.

"Whatever. Hey, first game is Thursday. Don't miss it!" He pointed at me and walked off with the group, Louis was still looking awkward.

I sighed, maybe I'll go. I'm sure my mom will encourage me to go, to make a friend or two.

I got a phone call from Lindsey, "What's up?" I picked up the phone and walked to my locker.

"Hey. Anything new happen with Louis?" I swear I could hear her eyebrows wiggling.

"Hah," I chuckled. "You're funny. No, definitely not. Although, his friend invited me to the game Thursday." I said, balancing the phone on my shoulder.

"Ooh, who's this friend?" She giggled.

"Hah, no. He didn't invite me like that. It was just like a, 'Hey don't miss it!' Kinda thing. Matter of fact Louis seemed in a hurry to avoid me." I said, slightly discouraged, but then I caught myself and stopped feeling discouraged.

"Oh. Well, that's okay. Did you have a good day at school other than that?" She said, I knew she didn't know what to say, since she knew Louis was straight.

"Pretty good. It was awkward, though, I had to read Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with him though, me being Juliet...and it was awkward." I told her.

"Oooh, how did that go?" I heard her winking.

"Hah, awkward. We only read it, and then we'd face the front of the room, and he cleared his throat awkwardly a few times." I said, shutting my locker and walking outside. I prayed I didn't miss the bus.

Luckily, I didn't. "Hey, I'm getting on the bus. I gotta go. Text me," I mumbled.

"Alrighty. Byee!" She said, I hung up the phone and got on the bus. I sat in my usual seat.

Soon, I got off the bus and walked in my house. "Hiya, Son!" My dad said, clapping me on the back and shoving a plate of cookies in my hand.

"How was school?" He asked.

"All right," I whispered, taking a cookie off the plate.

"Any cute guys, yet?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed.

"Well, one. But he's straight." I shrugged.

"Well, you don't know! He may be in the closet!" He winked slightly.

"Hah, yeah." The room became very awkward. "Uh," I added, "I have homework."

"Right, right." He said. "Take those cookies up to your room, then!"

"Where's Mum?" I said, taking a bite of one of the cookies.

"Grocery shopping," he said briskly, while busying himself with the dishes.

"All right," I said, running upstairs.

I actually didn't have homework, but I got on my laptop. I usually don't have much use for it - since I deleted all my social networks to avoid bullying and all. However, I thought I might be able to get Facebook, using my name as Harry Styles, rather than Harold at my old school. So, I made a new Facebook.

I friended Lindsey on it, and my friend from my old school. His name was Max, and he didn't care that I was gay. He was the only guy who didn't care. All the others hated me for it.

I saw Louis pop up on my friend's list, but I ignored it and didn't friend him. He already hates me. I logged off after a bit, and thought maybe I'll meet more people at the football game, which was in two days.

I sighed, I didn't know what to do. I decided to go downstairs and watch television. I turned on the TV, and saw that White House Down was on. I love this movie. I turned it on, and then remembered that my plate of cookies was upstairs. I ran upstairs, got the cookies and walked back downstairs.

I ate the entire plate of cookies, then laid sideways on the couch to watch. I felt my eyelids begin to droop, and before I knew it, I was waking up at 10pm at night. I was still groggy, so I went up to my room and went straight to sleep.

A/N: Hi! So basically during the school day I'm only gonna talk about Math (maybe, I might skip it sometimes), English, Lunch (sometimes), and Art (sometimes). But I will almost always talk about English. Sorry this chapter was so short, though. I think I'm gonna skip Wednesday, so it's closer to him going to the game, you know. Plus I have no ideas for Wednesday lol. Ok bye now.

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