Chapter 14

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Louis's P.O.V

Today, I wanted to do something really special for Harry, you know, considering his dad and all. I'm not telling what the surprise is yet, but it's a good one. I went downstairs and enjoyed my breakfast, fixed my hair, put on skinny black jeans, my navy blue converse and a plain white v-neck. I put on my backpack and walked out the door, going to the bus stop. I'm 15, going to turn 16 soon, but I haven't really gotten around to getting my drivers license yet. I know, I should but maybe I'll do that this summer. I'll see how it goes. I walked to the bus stop, my navy blue converse getting damp from the dew that had settled in the night. I was excited, and nervous for his surprise, both for different reasons. As soon as I got on my bus, I planned out the surprise carefully in my mind. Exactly how it'd happen, and everything else.

Harry's P.O.V

I came to school early, mostly because I couldn't sleep and wanted to get out of the house. The doctors haven't called us or sent him home, so we aren't sure what the deal is. I thought about calling the hospital, but to be honest, I don't really want to know. I mean, it could have gone horribly or it could've gone great and he doesn't have cancer. Honestly, I'd rather it was a mystery until they told me and my mother on their account. I'm just glad my mom agreed to drive me to school early. 

I was at school almost an hour early, just sitting on the ground near my locker. A flood of people walked through the doors, telling me that the buses had started to arrive. I stood up and leaned against my locker, waiting for Lindsey. I didn't see her, so I texted her. "Where are you?" I said, reading it before I hit send and put the phone back in my pocket.

I saw Louis, and he walked up to me and said hey. I was surprised, because usually he doesn't talk to me at school, but oh well. I just answered with a simple hello. We were followed by an awkward silence, when he then walked off. "Where are you going?" I asked him, hoping I didn't sound needy.

"To the office, I have something to take care of." He said with a slight smile before walking away I sighed as I felt myself get a text message. 

"Sick again. Damn you kid I babysit with a cold." I chuckled at her text and shoved my phone back in my pocket, I went to class early and read a book. I was currently reading Looking For Alaska by John Green, it got good reviews so I decided to try it out. I'd gotten halfway through the first chapter when class started. I sat there, pretty lonely without Lindsey at my side, but paid close attention to the lecture, since I missed a lot of class.

At lunch, I ate alone like usual. I sat outside, under my shady tree, and picked at the grass surrounding me. I got a call from my mom and suddenly lost my appetite, who knows what she's calling about. I answered with a cautious "Hello?" She seemed to be crying.

"Your father has lung cancer. They said it's very treatable, but they need to start chemo right away." I immediately hung up. I didn't want to hear another word of this. I fought the tears that started to cloud up my vision, when I heard an announcement. 

"After lunch will the entire school report to the gymnasium for a quick announcement. Thank you." I wasn't in the mood for an assembly, but as soon as the lunch bell rang I followed the rest of the students into the gym. I looked around for Louis, but didn't see him.

Louis's P.O.V

I stood behind the stands, ready to go out there and make Harry's day. He truly deserves it. I had my microphone in my hand, and I was shaking slightly. I've never been this nervous, not even when I had to play at the playoffs for football. I hope everything goes alright. As soon as the lights went down, I knew this was my cue. I walked out into the middle of the gym, and a spotlight shined on me, it was very bright, but I could still make out Harry in the top corner of the stands, I smiled when I saw him then addressed the crowd with a simple "good evening."

"Hello everyone, I bet you're curious as to why I'm here and talking to you all. So, I'm gonna take a more serious note for a minute and tell you guys something. So, who here likes me at least as a friend?" A lot of people raised their hands, including Harry. "Now, I want you to keep those hands up until you stop liking me as a friend as I speak to you, alright?" There were some nods of approval, and all the hands that were raised stayed in the air. 

"Okay, here's where the real reason I brought you all here comes out: I'm coming out." I laughed slightly at my own joke, then suddenly felt a deafening silence. "Yeah, that's right, I'm gay." I saw a few hands go down in the audience and suddenly lost my train of thought. "I - um, I just uh, wanted to tell you guys because that's who I am. I pushed this thought of me liking other men away ever since eighth grade, and I've ignored it, hoping it'll go away, but it hasn't. And what I learned is, you can't push away who you really are just because you're scared. Now, I wouldn't be fair if I didn't shine some light on a certain guy who helped me through it all. Harold Edward Styles, you showed me who I was and pushed me to accept it. Before I met you, I thought I'd just hid this whole life changing event forever. But from the moment I saw you, I'd fallen in love. I'm sorry I've been such a dick lately, and because of recent events, you deserve the absolute best boyfriend, and we shouldn't have to hid our love." As soon as I finished speaking, the spotlight shined on Harry, you could tell he was crying. I motioned for him to run down there, and he did gladly. He almost fell down the bleachers trying to get to me. Now, in front of the entire school, he jumped into my arms and I wrapped him into a tight hug, we kissed and the entire crowd cheered. Everyone was cheering for me and Harry, but I heard some boo's. I decided to ignore those people, because now I was happy. And so was Harry. 

"I love you, so so much." He whispered in my ear, his voice cracking due to his tears. I started tearing up and looked him straight in the eyes and said, "Not as much as I love you." The crowd was quiet right before I said that, but 'aww'ed right after we said that.

The lights in the auditorium came on and I saw the look of many happy faces, it was dead silent and then the teachers started clapping, along with the rest of the students. We had a victory hug and kiss in front of everyone, and then the assembly ended. Which brought us to art class, I asked the teacher if I could sit by Harry and they said of course. Everyone was so proud that I came out, and I was proud of me too. 

"Have you told your parents yet?" Harry asked as I sat down next to him. 

"No, I was thinking maybe you could come over and then we could tell them that we're dating as well?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

"Hey, so how's your dad doing?" I asked him.

"He officially has cancer. They're starting chemo right away." He said, I could tell he was holding back tears. I held his hand to make him feel better. Man, it feels so good to be able to do that for him and not watch him in pain as I feel like the worst boyfriend in the world.

He put his head down on his desk and started to cry silently, "Do you need to step out Harry?" The teacher asked him. He looked up and gave a slight nod before exiting the room.

"You wanna see what's up Louis?" Our teacher asked, I nodded and followed closely behind Harry as he sat down against a wall and just cried. I knew he didn't wanna talk, which was fine. I just sat there, hugging him, letting him cry into my shirt. I kissed his forehead and sang to him to calm him down. I only want the best for my world, and I hope his dad is fine. 

A/N: sorry it's short but hey! it's an update! lol okay goodnight my lovelies

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