Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V
She was holding my notebook open to the drawing of Louis. "No!" I yelled, snatching it out of her hands.

"Was that Louis...?" She asked.

I hastily shoved the notebook back in my backpack. "Er - uh, why did you go through my stuff?" I said, slightly angry. Or at least, I tried to sound angry.

"Harry, you can talk to me. Was that Louis Tomlinson, the guy who sat by you in Art class?" She put a hand on my shoulder.

"I didn't want anyone to know," I whispered, not meeting her eyes.

"What?" She didn't hear me.

"I didn't want anyone to know," I spoke with a normal tone. "I didn't want anyone to know...about what I am."

"And what are you, Harry?" She whispered.

"I'," I finally choked out. I was ashamed. I broke my first rule, not letting anyone know. And I'm opening up to some girl I just met.

"I saw the way you looked at him when he walked in. It looked like all your prayers were answered, and all your hopes and dreams just came true. I didn't know why at first, but now I understand more clearly." She consoled me.

"I broke my first rule of coming to this school," I whispered to her.

"What was that rule?" She asked.

"Not to let anyone know who I am," I told her.

"Why is that?"

"I was bullied at my other school, I came out and was openly gay and I was bullied for it. Mercilessly. I couldn't put an end to it, and my parent's started to notice. I was called fag, faggot, ugly...and the worst part was that it followed me home. I couldn't go on any social media without people telling me I was ugly, or a faggot, or a cocksucker...all that terrible stuff. I had to delete every social media account I had, because the pain was too much. My mum noticed first, she noticed that I usually had all my energy drained out when I came home from school, and by the time my dad noticed, he was on a business trip and didn't get the real reason as to why. But my mum did, and she's been nothing but supportive. And, I let my guard down here, and now someone knows. And, Louis might know too, and he might tell the whole school, and it'll be last year all over again." I spilled all the painful memories.

"Well, you're secret safe with me. And I completely understand, my brother came out two years ago for us, and now he's married and adopting twin boys with his new husband," her eyes glimmered with pride. "That's what gave me a hint, you looked at Louis the way my brother looks at his husband."

I smiled up at her. "Thanks, Lindsey. Thank you so much for understanding." I wiped away the tears that had subsided on my cheeks.

She engulfed me in a big hug, then, I got a call from my mum.

"Mum?" I answered.

"Honey, dad's coming home early. His project ended quicker than he thought, and his plane just landed. Come home." She said, and my heart dropped. I had to tell my dad now.

"Er - okay, can you come pick me up?" I said, Lindsey shot me a puzzled look, I held up my index finger to signal that I'd tell her in a second.

"All right. Where are you?" She asked, I heard a car door slam.

I told her Lindsey's address, and then she said she'd see me in a minute, and hung up.

"Uh - that was my mum. My dad's getting back from his business trip early, and I still have to tell him...I'm so sorry that I have to go so quick, but here's my number, text me." I scribbled my number down on a piece of paper, slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked downstairs.

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