Chapter 19

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Harry's P.O.V
After a few days of rest from the hospital, it felt nice to eat my mother's cooking again rather than the hospital food. The hospital food was always stale and didn't taste like it was supposed to. I've been resting in my room, dripping in and out of sleep, but I think I'm mostly recovered. I've been catching up on the homework I'm missing, and the teachers have heard about my father's condition and know what I tried to do, so they're very understanding. Louis has still been going to school, but every day after school he comes over and visits me. Giving me forehead kisses and cuddling with me and playing with my hair, I really love him. I thought I just liked him, but now that we can finally be together, I think I'm in love with him.

I know, what does a freshman boy know about love? Well I know that I'd rather be with him than anyone else in the world, and if he were to leave me, I'd be lost without his constant reassurance and guidance. I hope one day to marry this boy, and we've discussed it, it's mutual. We were thinking when I graduate, or something. Because I love him and he loves me, and we don't want to wait too long. My parents are really supportive of us. Speaking of parents, my dad's doing great. The chemo helped a lot, they said the seriousness of the cancer is already starting to go away. They say soon he could go into remission. I'm so excited. We'll finally be free.

As the sun started to dip behind the hills, I felt myself get drowsy. Louis didn't visit today, he had to help his dad with some work around the house. I was fine though, he called me every now and then just to see how I was doing. The next thing I knew, I was asleep

A while later, around 2am I was woken up by my mom. "We have to go to the hospital right now. Your father's lungs filled up with fluid." I felt fear start to cripple me. I couldn't get up. I couldn't movie. I could hardly breath. We drove to the hospital with my dad in the front seat, I sat, stunned in the back. I wish I had grabbed my cell phone before I left. Maybe I could've called Louis and he could've calmed me down over the phone. Then I remembered it's 2am on a Tuesday, he's not going to be awake, and I didn't want to wake him. I hadn't cried yet, which was weird. Because I'm pretty emotional. As we walked into the familiar hospital, with their pale green walls and stainless white tile floors, the nurse took us to a room and told me and my mother to wait outside. My mother pleaded with her to let her in, and they did. I didn't want to go in. I wanted to stay out here alone. With my thoughts. As they shut the door and drew the curtains back, so they could drain his lungs, I felt myself start to break down. I put my head on my hands and started crying silently, I tried not to make a scene, and I was thankful I used some of the medication my doctors prescribed me before I went to sleep, because it was helping me not act out. If I had Louis holding me right now, it could've been a bit easier to control myself. But he wasn't, so I'm just going to have to deal with it.

After a few hours, they opened the door and said I could come in. They told me the fluid was fully drained from his lungs and that he'd be okay, it was a reaction from the medication they gave him to keep him from relapsing, but it didn't work. They prescribed something else, and said this one was much less risky but it should get him to remission. I asked them if another scene like this would happen, and they said nothing is for sure, but the new medication should help him get to remission faster and shouldn't give any more reactions. Everything the doctors said sounded improbable and wishy-washy, but who am I to judge? We collected my dad, brought him back to the car, gave him the medicine and drove home.

I slept in that morning, and I decided that I'm going to school tomorrow before my sleeping schedule gets too weird. Today, both Louis and Lindsey came to see me. I guess they heard what happened last night from my parents, because they brought me cookies. They treated me with gentleness and care, and we all just talked. I told them I was coming back to school tomorrow, and they were excited. I asked Lindsey how her and Brandon were doing, she said that they're best friends and hang out all the time. Apparently Brandon also said he was going to ask her out when she was 18, and she was okay with that as long as he waited. They had a thing, but weren't allowed to date, Even though it wouldn't be illegal at all, because he doesn't want her in that way at all, but you know. The law doesn't care for true love. That's also the reason why gay marriage isn't legal all over the U.S. Luckily our state has it legalized, so we can get married when we want to.

That night, as they saw I was starting to nod off, they all bid me goodbye. Lindsey hugged me, and Louis gave me a big kiss, I told them I loved them so much, and that I'd see them tomorrow.

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