Chapter 13.1

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To say Margaret had questions was an understatement. Inexplicable feelings had been bubbling up from deep within her for the past weeks. Feelings that made no sense whatsoever. What was worse was that they all seemed to connect to a particular person.
She'd been on her way to see Michael when she'd bumped into Catherine. After seeing Raphael and Michael leave the catacombs and fly towards the Gates in all haste, she voiced concern it could have something to do with Gabriël. They had been waiting on the stone steps of the Villa ever since, afraid to enter because of the winged lions guarding the entrance.
Margaret caught Catherine glancing at her as she sat silently, mulling things over in her mind. Though she appreciated the concern, she wished Catherine wouldn't worry. There was nothing she could do, anyway. 
Suddenly, two figures descended from the sky. Michael was returning to the Villa, with Raphael right behind him. The Lord Protector looked dirty and flustered. And Raphael seemed... angry?

"Something's happened," remarked Catherine as they rose to their feet.

Both Archangels landed on top of the steps, not paying any attention to them. Their loud, quarrelling voices reached them, but Margaret couldn't make out what was being said.

"Something definitely happened," Catherine repeated.

Margaret dashed up the steps, forgetting about the stone lions who eyed her dangerously, forgetting about Catherine, who yelled out to wait for her. She needed to speak with Michael right away, and didn't slow down until she reached the entrance. Raphael's shouting made her linger a moment. The physician was one of the calmest persons she knew. This did not bode well. She exchanged a hesitant look with Catherine before entering and making their way up to the parlour. Remaining at a distance, they witnessed Raphael in a heated argument with Michael.

"We put our faith in you, Michael! Our service, our very lives! And for what?"

"I had no choice! You would not understand."

"How about you explain it to me, then? Because right now, I only have Gabriël's words to go on, and somehow, I believe him more than I do you!"

"Raphael, please, I -" Michael finally noticed the girls and straightened his shoulders. "Catherine, Margaret, this is not a good time."

"We saw you flying over the Agora toward the gates," Catherine said. "Has something happened? Is it Gabriël?"

"Nothing has happened that concerns you," said Michael, ignoring Raphael's furious look.

"With all due respect, Michael. If it's something to do with Gabriël, then it does concern us. He's our friend, and we wish to help."

As Catherine spoke, Margaret kept her eye on Michael. She found his behaviour unsettling. And... familiar, maybe?

"You're right, Catherine," said Raphael. "Something did happen."

"Raphael, do not -" Michael took hold of the physician's arm.

"They have a right to know!" Raphael loosened himself from Michael's grasp and looked at the girls. "Gabriël is gone. He flew down to Earth."

"Has he gone to look for Joan?" asked Catherine.

"I believe so. He wants to keep her and their baby safe. And we should allow him to do just that. Every man has a right to protect his family."

"We are his family," Michael sneered.

"Indeed, we are. Yet family does not lie. Family does not hurt. Family lets go when needed. If you are still the man I hope you are, Michael, you won't go after him. Leave them in peace."

"Raphael, I cannot allow Gabriël to go down this path. I cannot allow this thing to be born."

If Catherine hadn't stepped between the Archangels, Raphael probably would've jumped the Lord Protector. All three of them started shouting at once. Margaret pursed her lips at the scene. She grabbed a nearby porcelain vase and smashed it on the ground. The others stopped fighting and looked at her in astonishment.

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