Chapter 27.1

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"Aha, I have you now!"

Anastasia's excited cry brought Grigori out of his recollections. He peered at the chessboard. She had once again manoeuvred her pieces brilliantly. A sense of pride came over him. He was glad she had not forgotten their lessons. Not even in this place.

"So you have." He smiled. "But my king is not lost yet. Yours, on the other hand..."

Grigori moved his knight. The Grand Duchess' excitement wavered as she realised she had left an opening in her defences. He had trapped her king just like she had his. Only Grigori had done it better; her king could be taken by several of his pieces, whether she moved it or left it.
Anastasia's eyes flashed over the board, but there was no way she could end the match in her favour. None of the pieces that remained could save her king. She slumped, pouting because she had lost yet another game. Grigori did his best not to chuckle at her child-like reaction.

"Perhaps, since we are both trapped, the best course of action would be to call a draw and leave the battlefield with our chins raised high."

He extended his hand to the Grand Duchess. She mulled over his offer, then sat straight in her seat and shook his hand.

"Let us have peace then," she announced regally.

"Your Highness is most gracious."

It was all he could give her. Just a single moment where she was reminded of who she truly was.
A sudden knock on the door alarmed Grigori. He quickly glanced at Anastasia, but she had already hidden the chessboard and pieces in the compartment under the table. She dropped to her knees and grabbed the rag from her pocket to polish the mahogany legs.
Grigori hated she was forced to do this, but it was necessary to keep up the pretence. He waited for her nod, then walked to the door. None other than the Impaler stood on his threshold.

"Prince Tepes, how may I assist you?" 

"Forgive the intrusion," said Tepes cordially. "I have received a summons from the Master. He requests your presence as well."

Grigori raised a brow. He looked over his shoulder at Anastasia and told her to finish her work quickly and return to her cell. He didn't enjoy leaving her alone like this, but he couldn't ignore a summons from the Master.
As he followed Tepes through the corridor, Grigori noted his surroundings seemed darker than usual. And colder, too. An eerie ambience had fallen over the palace, and he didn't care for it. Whatever the Devil had summoned him for, it did not bode well.
The doors to the Master's chambers stood wide open. This alone alarmed Grigori. He motioned for Tepes to remain behind him and carefully stepped into the chamber. They froze at the destruction that greeted them. It looked like a tempest had passed through the room. Everything was destroyed.
The Master stood at the window. Even though his back was turned to them, Grigori felt sure he knew they were there. Slowly, he and Tepes walked to the centre of the room, halting amidst the chaos. They exchanged a wary glance with each other, waiting for the Prince of Hell to speak.

"There has been a change of plan." The Master's taut voice chilled Grigori to the bone. "The time has come to strike. We will hit the Vale's first line of defence — the Nephilim."

Grigori gasped. He met Tepes's widened gaze. The Impaler appeared as shocked as he was. Surely there had to be some mistake. 

"My Lord, forgive me." Grigori stepped forward. "They pose no threat to us. Our intelligence has found that the Nephilim struggle with protecting the Mortal Realm ever since the Horsemen began their work. There is nothing they can —"


The Devil reeled around, and Grigori recoiled. Blood streamed from the Devil's eyes over his face and onto his shirt. The Master bristled like a rampant bull, nostrils flaring, teeth bared and clenched, and eyes burning brighter than all the fires of Hell put together. Sheer rage and savagery had brought out the monster all mortals, angels, and demons, too, feared. It was the most terrifying sight Grigori had ever beheld. Neither he nor Tepes dared move as their Prince stalked toward them.

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