Chapter 25.2

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Gabriël returned to the Villa. Talking to Uriël had made him realise something; Lucifer believed he and Michael were more than friends. They'd been in the safety of the Nephilim Sanctum when they kissed, so he couldn't possibly know about that. Something else must've made the Devil suspect something was going on between them. And that could've only happened if he stood close to Gabriël — or Michael.
The Archangel quickly changed into his own clothes — which had appeared in Michael's wardrobe — then lay down on the bed. He gripped the pillow and closed his eyes. Michael's scent was all around him. It helped Gabriël as he conjured up every good memory he had of the Lord Protector. Every time they had fought together, laughed together, talked together. He felt guilty when he thought of what had happened at Resia, but forced that feeling aside for his plan to work.
He then thought of the Devil, bringing his face before his mind's eye, clasping the amulet Lucifer had given him in his hand. It had been some time since his days in the cell in the Catacombs, but he sensed the familiar dark cloud in his head. Lucifer suddenly stood before him, a puzzled expression on his face. Time to see how good an actor the man really was.

"Gabriël, wha—?"

"Do you know where Michael is?"

Lucifer stared at him for a few seconds and then clicked his tongue with a scoff. 

"Did you really call me here just to —?"

"You know about us, don't you?"

Gabriël didn't waste a second to set his plan into motion. He had to be bold and dive right in.

"Us?" asked Lucifer. "I'm not sure I understand."

"I think you do," said Gabriël. "That whole thing in the Hell-Fire Club? You didn't only let me see Joan, but Michael as well."

Lucifer's jaw tightened, and his black eyes narrowed into slits.

"I... suspected. Since when?"

"I'm not sure, if I'm honest. Michael and I often found ourselves alone with each other, and after a while, one thing led to another."

Gabriël glanced up. The Devil kept a straight posture straight and stone-like expression, but he couldn't hide the jealousy in his eyes. Nor his fury. To him, this was the final straw. Michael's ultimate betrayal.

"I can't get our last moment together out of my head," Gabriël continued in a stricken voice, pretending not to see Lucifer's anguish. "We had an argument about Joan a few days before my encounter with Borgia. Michael wanted to punish her for her insubordination, but I spoke against it because I... I've always been fond of her. We'd been fighting so much of late, and Joan made me feel better. Loved. I stupidly acted on those feelings, and when you told me what Michael did to you and Margaret, I realised history was repeating itself. I should have done something then, but it was already too late. Even though it broke my heart to leave him, I had no choice. Joan had given me what Michael never could, and I couldn't allow him to take the life of another innocent baby. But then he came to me, and we talked, and... I've tried to do right by Joan, and I do sincerely love her, but I can't ignore the love I still feel for Michael as well. I need him."

The Devil's calm demeanour was completely gone. A dark, threatening aura radiated off Lucifer. His nails dug so deep into his shaking, balled fists, blood trickled between his fingers. 

"You don't actually expect me to believe any of that, do you?" he snarled. "I've been watching Michael for centuries! I've been watching all of you! Never have I seen you two together like that, not even in your own homes!"

Well, well, isn't that interesting? Got you now, Lucifer.

"There is a place in the Vale that is well hidden," Gabriël said. "A cavern underneath a waterfall. It's not on any map, and even Michael's gaze doesn't reach. I told him, and we both agreed to meet only there so nobody would ever find out about us."

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