Chapter 34.1

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Joan groaned as the baby gave another hard kick. It was the fifth time in just minutes. She desperately prayed it wasn't a sign of labour. Morpheus' little manipulation with time had done exactly what the Devil had wanted. Joan couldn't possibly grow any bigger than she already was. But she couldn't give birth yet. 

"There has to be something I can do." Joan gritted her teeth as she looked up at Leonora. "A herb or potion that'll postpone the birth a while longer."

"There's nothing. When the baby is ready, it's ready. You can't stop this."

"But I have to! I can't leave Michael here! I need more ti—ah!"

Joan doubled over in pain. She leaned against the bedpost for support, cradling her belly. Leonora made her sit down.

"Focus on your breathing, like I taught you. Calmly now, in and out. That's it." She turned to Ragazzino, who had been watching silently, crouched near the bed. "Go fetch Morpheus."

But the boy stayed in place, his eyes fixated on Joan.

"Didn't you hear me? Stupido ragazzo, non sederti lì! Vai a prender Morpheo!"

Just as Leonora prepared to smack Ragazzino, the door swung open. The Lord of Dreams stormed in, and with him... Michael! 

"Joan! Are you all right?"

Joan stared as the Archangel pushed past Morpheus, rushing to her side. His clothes were dirty and ragged. He was almost unrecognisable and appeared nothing like the Lord Protector she knew him to be.

"Mi-Michael? H-How are you —?"

"Morpheus set me free. Sit still."

He put his hand over Joan's belly. A warm sensation coursed through her body. Her breathing steadied, as did her heartbeat. The baby gave another kick, but not nearly as hard.

"Do not worry," said Michael. "All is well. Eve was overwhelmed by the sudden sensation of so many angels dying at once. She feared the worst had happened when she could no longer sense me."


Michael met Joan's questioning look and hesitated in his reply. "Forgive me, I did not mean... I-I had to call her something. And she liked it, else I would not —"

Joan's sudden embrace silenced Michael. He briefly stiffened at her touch, but then he slowly wrapped his arms around her.

"I forgive you," she whispered.

She heard him gasp, and his grip tightened. They clung to each other, both seeking solace and absolution for all that had occurred between them.

"I will take you home," Michal spoke then, gently nudging Joan away but still holding her by her shoulders. "To Gabriël. To the Vale. Raphael and Isabelle can deliver your baby, and you will both be safe from Lucifer. I promise."

"Wait; you said angels were dying?" she asked. "How? Where?"

"Gabriël is leading an assault on the Circles."

"He's what?"

"Joan, trust him. He would not do this without reason."

She shook her head and looked over Michael's shoulder. Morpheus had been silent during their reunion, but was clearly on edge. He fidgeted with his robe, and his eyes kept flicking to the balcony as if he expected something to burst in any moment. He froze when Joan captured his gaze.

"You have to let us go," she said. "You released Michael from his prison; obviously, you realise he's your best hope. Let us go, and he can stop this. He can face Lucifer and end this once and for all. We will all be safe."

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