Chapter 26.1

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Anyone passing the Devil's private rooms immediately turned around, fearing what they heard inside. Even the bravest soldier and the most vicious demon did not dare linger. A bull in a china store would not wreak the havoc Lucifer had in his chamber. The drapes lay shredded on the floor, as did his sheets. He had stabbed his pillows so violently that the goose-feathered fillings spilt out. The furniture lay broken apart in pieces or burning in the fireplace.
Finally, Lucifer steadied himself, leaning against what remained of his table and panting heavily. A goblet of red wine appeared in his hand, and he took a drink. But his mind kept reeling back to Gabriël, and he threw the cup against the door. The dark liquid slowly dripped onto the floor.

It's a lie, he thought bitterly. It has to be. Gabriël only cares about Joan and their child. There is no way he and Michael are lovers. I would have seen it. I would have known about it. Michael wouldn't dare break his own rules.

He knew it couldn't be true, but a little voice inside his head made Lucifer pause. Michael always cared for Gabriël. More than for any other angel or Archangel in the Vale. When he needed counsel, Gabriël was the first person Michael went to. When he felt lonely, Gabriël was the one he turned to. 
Lucifer recalled the morning in the training room when he had taken over Gabriël's mind and body. He had made Gabriël kiss Michael then. Michael had held him off eventually, but not at first. And the way he had looked at Gabriël... Lucifer had recognised that look, for it was the same way Michael had once looked at him. Caring. Yearning. Loving.
He quickly discarded the idea. Michael may have feelings for Gabriël, but Lucifer was certain it wasn't mutual. Gabriël's actions with Joan were a testament to that. She was the one Gabriël loved, and none other. But there was, of course, a way to find out the truth. All Lucifer had to do was force every single memory Michael had about Gabriël out of him so he could see for himself. And he knew exactly how to do so.


Joan was barely gone when Michael turned to find Lucifer standing underneath the light in the middle of the dark room. He kept a safe distance from his former lover and waited anxiously, but Lucifer did not come closer and just glared at Michael. If looks could kill...

"You truly are a fucking hypocrite." Lucifer sneered then. "You could not bear to see me with another, so you murdered my son, lied to everyone, and banished me from the Vale! Yet when your new lover does the same, you allow him to have it all!"

My new lover? What is he talking about?

Michael hid his confusion, keeping his expression blank. Lucifer walked toward him, eyes shooting fire at the Archangel.

"There's no point in denying it, Michael. You forget, I still have a hold on your precious Gabriël."

"Ah, of course. And what exactly has he told you?" asked Michael airily.

"Everything! How you were together with him. How you met him in hidden places in the Vale. The stolen glances in the crowds. Your meeting with him in the Sanctum at Resia."

Why would he—wait... Gabriël, you genius!

"Show me that last time you spoke to him," demanded Lucifer. "Now!"

The Devil crossed the remaining distance between them and grabbed Michael roughly by his arm. The room spun as he forced Michael's memories to surface. As the images at Resia took shape, Michael thought about the kisses in the library, how he had felt then, and how Gabriël had acted towards him. But he added a little something. He prayed with all his might the manipulation of his memory would work, just like it had last time.
A fireplace appeared next to Michael. It took a while for the shapes and figures to sharpen, but they eventually became the Sanctum library, with two Archangels standing in the middle of the room. As he looked at himself talking to Gabriël, Michael held his breath. He recalled this moment so well. It was mere seconds after he had offered the position of Lord Protector to Gabriël.

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