Chapter 21.2

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Lucifer had hoped Michael would have been his plaything for just a little while longer, but the Archangel was already showing restraint. It concerned him he wasn't getting through to Michael as well as before. As he swung his legs over the side of the bed, Lucifer suddenly noticed something warm sticking to his hand — blood. Was that... Michael's blood? Impossible. How did he have it on him? A hard knock on the door interrupted Lucifer's thoughts. It swung open, and in walked the Angel of Death.

"You know you're supposed to wait until someone says 'enter', right?" Lucifer sighed in exasperation as he cleaned his hands in the water bowl on the nightstand. "Otherwise, what's the point of knocking?"

"Let's worry about etiquette later." Samael met Lucifer's annoyed glare. "We have a problem. Your witch contacted me."

"Bathory? What happened?" Lucifer got to his feet.

"Joan tried to stop the Horsemen from leaving the Dream Realm. Bathory made sure she couldn't reach them by literally grounding her. But then, your witch got trapped herself. Joan caused the floor between them to tear apart and levitated over her. Apparently, she was in some sort of trance. I've checked the story with Morpheus, who confirms it. He stepped in and sedated the girl. He was quite amused by the whole thing, but I don't share the sentiment. How is it Joan could perform such a feat? I believed Fallen Angels have no powers?"

"They don't," said Lucifer. "They are stripped of everything that made them a creature of the Heavens, apart from their immortality. It is their punishment to drift the Mortal Realm as a figure frozen in time and as worthless as a human. The only way to gain new powers is by allowing a natural force to possess them, such as the darkness here in the Circles, or by redeeming themselves. But the latter is extremely difficult to accomplish. I don't believe anyone has ever managed it. Nor would Joan be able to do it so close after falling. And she hasn't been exposed to any ethereal forces either. As long as she carries that child, I dare not bring her into contact with the dark. It may destroy them both."

"What else can it be, then?" questioned Samael.

"Michael." Lucifer gritted his teeth. "He must have done something."

"Before banishing her from the Heavens, you mean?"

"I doubt he has such power, but it cannot be anything else."

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Pop back into his head and find out."

"Mind your attitude, boy. Send word to Morpheus. The sooner he manipulates time in his Realm, the better. And isn't there somewhere you need to be? Something to report to the 'Lord Protector'?"

Samael scoffed but left the chamber with a curt bow, leaving Lucifer to prepare for another visit in Michael's mind. The Devil was certain the answer to this strange turn of events lay there. He only had to find it.


Joan awoke with a startled gasp. Her hands moved to her belly. The baby was still there, thank God. It was just a dream... A nightmare. She blinked a few times to get her surroundings clear. It looked like she was back in her room. A rustling drew her attention, and she saw Leonora hurry toward her.

"Joan, are you all right?" the maidservant asked.

Joan tried to sit up but was forced back down again as her head throbbed.

"Easy," shushed Leonora. "Morpheus had to use some of his poppy powder on you. You really wrecked the West corridor."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"What do you remember?"

"I was... here. I think. And I heard..." With a jolt, Joan sat up, instantly forgetting about her headache as one clear thought came to her. "The Horsemen!"

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