Chapter 13.2

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A knock on the door of his private chambers roused Michael. He frowned at the sound. Only a few people were allowed into that part of the Villa, and none were currently on speaking terms with him. He waited a moment, believing he must've dreamt it, but there was another knock, more insistent.
 Hurriedly, Michael rose from his bed, dressed himself in a robe, and unlocked it. He gasped silently at Margaret's appearance. There was something different about her. Her hair was bound with a golden hairpin. She wore a mint-coloured Romanesque gown underneath a dark red cape. The pendant he had given her as a mortal hung around her neck. Michael's eyes briefly focussed on it. Had she just put it on, or did she always wear it? If she did, how come he never noticed?

"Margaret? Why have you returned?" 

"When I was with you before. I asked you to tell me the truth. Did you?"

Fear took hold of Michael. He swallowed inconspicuously, and cocked his head, faking curiosity.

"What makes you think I did not?" he asked her, hiding his uneasiness by remaining in control of his shaking voice.

"Something I heard from Raphael. He told me what happened between LightBringer and me was real. That he did love me. And that apparently Archangels have the power to give life, explaining how I would've been with child."

"That is what Gabriël told us. But as you well know, he has been under the influence of a powerful demon. As I said before, we have no knowledge of how your child, or Joan's, was conceived. Had I known for a fact it was the Lord's work, and had I been assured that any of LightBringer's feelings for you were real, I would not have stood in the way of your happiness. But there was no truth in your affair with him. Neither is there any between Gabriël and Joan."

Michael tried to sound convincing, keeping his face straight. He prayed to God she would believe him. Margaret pushed past him to enter the room. Usually, Michael barred entry to his chamber, but something stopped him from objecting now. She glanced about the space and then faced him again. 

"When we spoke earlier, I offered you my help," she said. "I thought you might be interested to know that Raphael has told Catherine and Isabelle the same story he told me. They believed him. Raphael wants to warn the Nephilim as well. I don't know if he plans on telling anyone else."

Michael let go of his door. It shut on its own, and he leaned back against the frame to steady himself. He fought desperately not to give in to panic. If Raphael spoke with the other Archangels... This could ruin him! 

"I can convince them not to," Margaret continued. "I'll just tell them that, until we know more of this, I wouldn't be comfortable with anyone else knowing about my past."

"Do you really believe they will keep silent?" Michael glanced up at her.

"Not if you asked them. They don't exactly trust you anymore. But they worry about me, so I will have the most sway over them."

"What of Joan? I would have thought you wanted her to be safe." 

"Of course I do. She's one of my best friends. But if there's the slightest chance of that baby being something evil, we must act. The risk of not doing so is too great."

Michael eyed Margaret cautiously. Of all people, she was the last person he'd imagined getting involved and help him keep the secret. Was she being truthful about her intentions to help him? Or did she believe Raphael, and was she attempting to goad him? Could Margaret be playing her own game? Whatever the case, he had to see this through and convince her his way was the only way.

"I thank you for telling me this, Margaret," he spoke. "And you are right, of course. We must act to defeat the darkness in whatever way we can. I only want what is best for everyone, I swear it."

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