Chapter 3.2

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Gabriël awoke in the darkened room of the Hospitium. He hated this. It had been five days since his last fit and a week since the attack. He had only seen the sun through the cracks in the curtains. The only thing that kept him from going completely crazy was Catherine and Margaret's visits. Michael also came by, but not as much as in those first days. Every day the Archangel was in this room, he hoped that one friend, in particular, would come. But she never did.

"Morning, Gabriël. Feeling better today?"

Catherine entered cheerfully, closely followed by Raphael. She sat at his bedside as she always did while Raphael finally opened the curtains. Gabriël stretched to look outside, but slumped right back into his pillow. Typical. It was the dreariest day in months.

"I suppose," he said in reply. "You're both looking happy. Please tell me you've come to tell me I can go."

"Tired of being here?" Raphael chuckled at him.

Gabriël threw him a glare. Did he really think it amusing to keep him locked up like this?

"I am, actually."

He felt his temper rising. It startled him. He was usually a calm person, but now he felt like he could throttle the physician. Fortunately, neither Catherine nor Raphael noticed his quick and shallow breathing.

"Oh, go on." Catherine turned to Raphael and winked at him. "Put him out of his misery."

"You can go," said Raphael. "Cate is actually here to take you home. I've asked Michael to arrange for someone to monitor you. Just for a couple of days to ensure you're all right. I'm fairly certain the poison has left your body, but better safe than sorry."

Gabriël's fisted the sheet at the mention of poison. Not a day had passed that he hadn't thought about Cesare Borgia. Nobody had spoken of the demon, at least not to him, anyway. But it was clear that the others were also preoccupied with the matter. That an individual like him could rise so high in the Circles worried them all.

"Come now," Catherine said. "Let's get you out of here and back home."

It took some time to get up and about, but eventually, they left the Hospitium. Being outside had never felt so good. Catherine had brought a coach to take them to his house. There was no driver, but there was no need for one. The coach horses always knew where to go. When they were well on their way, Gabriël finally asked what he had wanted to know for days.

"Cate, how is she?"

"She? Oh, you mean... I believe she's well. We have seen little of her lately."

"None of you?"

"Well, Michael has. He summoned her a couple of times."

Gabriël's heart pounded in his chest.

Could he know something? Surely she didn't tell him?

"Do you know why?" he tried to sound neutral.

"Don't worry, she's done nothing wrong. Michael just wants to know as much as possible about... that day. Joan's been helping him with a new plan. So I've heard, anyway."

Relief flooded him. Obviously, Joan wouldn't tell Michael. She knew what could happen if she did. And so did he. But that wouldn't deter him anymore. He had to see her - tonight.
They arrived at the cottage at dusk. Gabriël invited Catherine in for a drink, but she declined. She said someone would be along shortly to see him. So now he was the one with the babysitter. Perfect...

As the coach disappeared into the mist, Gabriël felt a presence behind him. He turned to discover Thirza came to greet him. Being away from Gabriël and knowing he was in pain had been hard on her. When he passed the test, he had never expected them to bond so deeply that they could actually feel each other's distress. Sometimes he believed he could even hear her in the back of his mind. A sweet silvery voice. He still didn't quite understand how such a thing was possible. Thirza nudged Gabriël with her nose, and he put his arms around her warm neck.

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