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One year later

It was another beautiful morning. It had rained all night, so the plants and trees hiding the cave from sight were vibrant with life. Water dripped onto the ground, nourishing the soil. The sunlight peered through the thick cover of leaves, waking up the creatures of day and guiding those that thrived at night to their homes.
Uriël stood at the entrance of his earthly home, breathing in the fresh air the dawn brought along. His blindfold was in his hand. The visions weren't as bad anymore, so he took it off more often. He raised his eyes to the sky. There was finally enough peace in his mind that he could appreciate the little things about him — a morning like this being one of them.

"A wonderful day You are granting us today. Any special occasion for it? Hmm? Ariëlle asked You for it? My, my, don't tell me You're going soft now, Father." A breeze picked up, and Uriël chuckled. "All right, all right, You're not getting soft. But You have to admit You're not as... let's say strict, as You were."

Uriël returned inside and poured some tea. As he sipped his drink, a vision of the Angel of Death appeared to him — light chestnut hair with a few dark streaks, her mother's fair features, and her father's deep ocean blue eyes. She sat in front of Gabriël on his palomino horse, listening to his instructions on how to ride. Joan watched from a distance, laughing at her teenage daughter's funny faces. Uriël smiled at the joyous sight.

"Ariëlle grew again. She's becoming a fine young woman."

In those first days of her life, Ariëlle proved to everyone that she truly was a miracle child. Azrael and Michael aided her in guiding the souls the Horsemen had returned to their rightful place. When they then declared it was time for Azrael to move on, the little girl wept for days on end, experiencing what it was like to say goodbye to a loved-one. Her parents had helped her through this, and with her mentor's final blessing, Ariëlle became the new Angel of Death just three weeks after being born.
It was unsure whether it was her own power or her mother's that decelerated her ageing when she reached the physical appearance of a twelve-year-old, but it was a good thing it did. She had already been through so much and would undoubtedly have an arduous road ahead of her. Having her age one year every two months did not seem like much of a reprieve, but the girl herself barely noticed the changed and waltzed through life with a radiant smile on her face.
There had been some concern about Ariëlle becoming like her predecessor, but everyone soon discovered that fear was ungrounded. Though Ariëlle felt the pull of the Circles every time she went down there, she was strong enough to turn away from it. She treated it the same way she treated the scar on her face — she ignored it.

"Yes, she truly is something." Uriël took another sip and tilted his head when he heard the Lord's voice again. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know You take pride in her creation, as You should, but can we please not forget that she is who she is thanks to the people who care for her? Forgive me for saying it, Father, but had You done things differently with Samael, he would not have been unlike Ariëlle. I swear, You can be such a mule sometimes."

A crack appeared in Uriël's cup. He scowled at the chink. Such petty behaviour for one who was supposed to be a supreme being.

"I would very much appreciate it if You did not break my pottery, Father. It takes time to find the right material and make these things. Besides, You know I'm right."

He waited a moment for a reaction, but none came. He looked again into his vision of the happy family by the lake. Joan had her sleeves rolled up, revealing the runes on her arms. Every rune of every Archangel was etched into her skin. Her own symbol of the six-winged sword, drawn above her heart, was hidden by the collar of her shirt.
Uriël initially had doubts about Joan becoming a Seraph, but she had been the right choice all along. The trials of her life and afterlife made her strong enough to embrace her true destiny as Guardian of the Lord and His light.

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