Chapter 18.2

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All the Nephilim had gathered in the library with Raphael, minus Hypatia, who hadn't left the infirmary since her patients arrived. They sat in silence while the Archangel told them Michael had gone missing in an attempt to keep the Four Horsemen trapped in the Dream Realm and that he had left instructions for Gabriël to take his place should he not come back. Thomas and Anne had also finally admitted that Gabriël was the father of Joan's child, but no one was surprised by that.

"Do we know for certain he's missing?" asked Anne. "Has anyone tried to contact Michael?"

"I've tried for the past hour, my dear," answered Raphael. "But my messages won't reach him. He must still be in the Dream Realm. Or worse."

"What about Samael?"

"The same."

"Organise a search party then," offered Juan.

"Getting into the Dream Realm is no easy feat," said Raphael with a sigh. "The entrances are well hidden, only known to a few. And even if you were to get in, Morpheus controls everything there. He may allow you to reach his palace, but he will never let you leave."

"So what?" Juan rose to his feet, hands at his hips. "We just hope for the best?"

"Juan, calme-toi," shushed Olympe.

"¿Como cojones me puedo calmar? Michael is the Lord Protector! With him gone, it'll only be a matter of time before el Diablo makes his move! And if Michael failed and couldn't convince Morpheus to keep the Horsemen there, we're really fucked!"

"Juan, language!" said Richard strictly.

The Spaniard threw his hands in the air in frustration. Richard threw an apologetic look at Raphael. Nobody could blame the outburst, though. They all understood the gravity of the situation they were in.

"Juan is right. We're all doomed without a Lord Protector," said Thomas from the corner of the room. "But Gabriël will never leave Joan. Look at what he's done to get here. He loves her too much to just abandon her now. Michael going missing won't change that."

"He has no choice, Thomas," said Raphael glumly.

"Gabriël is an Archangel above all else," added Anne. "He can't sacrifice everything he helped build for one woman and child."

"He owes Michael nothing," rebuffed Thomas. "Any of the other Archangels can become Lord Protector in Michael's absence, and Gabriël can still help from here. But I'm telling you, he won't leave that girl and his unborn child here alone."

The door of the library swung open. Gabriël stood in the opening, looking flustered and angry. Everyone stared at him as he spoke to Raphael.

"Rafe, we should go now whilst we still have the light. Anne, Thomas, can I trust you to keep an eye on Joan?"

"Y-Yes, of course," stammered Anne in reply.

"Thank you. Raphael, let's go. I want to assemble the Archangels as soon as possible."

He exited the library as quickly as he'd came in, leaving everyone utterly speechless. Raphael regained his senses quickly and stumbled to the door, glancing back at the others. He had hoped for Gabriël to make the wisest decision, but to hear him say he would return with him and leave Joan still came as a surprise. And not only to him.

"What the hell?" exclaimed Thomas.

"Guess your little theory was wrong there, amigo." Juan patted him on the shoulder.

"No way he can just leave like that." Thomas turned to his wife. "Something has happened."

She nodded and hurried after the two Archangels, with Thomas following right behind her. The couple caught up with them as they opened the Sanctum door.

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