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"You need to hide," Dallas cursed under his breath.

"Wow, really? Thank you, Sherlock." I hissed. "Where the hell am I supposed to hide? In the ocean?"

He scowled down at me. "Not a bad idea, if you drown, they'll have no use of you anyway."

I slapped the back of his head.

Dallas grimaced. "Cherry, focus. We need to get you out of here before they notice."

Stacy and Sasha sent me strange looks, turning to see where Dallas and I kept glancing.

I couldn't just take Blake's car, he'd carpooled us here. I could, however, take Dallas's.

"Here," Dallas pulled out a set of keys, like he'd read my mind. "Take my car, and just drive away."

"How am I supposed to get to your car if they're in the lot?" I asked, taking the keys from him.

He worked his jaw, thinking. "Don't hit me for this, okay?" He muttered.

"What are you talki—"

Before I could finish talking, he cupped my face, pulling me forward and pressing his lips to mine.

I shoved him away. "Dallas? Are you out of your mind?"

Was this a setup? Was he stalling to turn me in? Oh my god.

"Trust me."

"I don't trust you, not one bit." I shook my head at him.

"Good," He smiled. "Now, run towards the cars."

"Are you crazy? That's where the men are!" I objected, feeling only further convinced that he wanted me gone.

"I promise you, nothing's going to happen. Trust me. Just pretend that you want to get away from me." He ordered.

I scoffed. "I don't have to pretend for that."

And with that, against my better judgment, I took off running, Dallas hot on my tail.

"Come back, babe!" He called from behind a few seconds later.

I realized then that he was pretending to be my boyfriend.

"No!" I yelled over my shoulder, continuing to run. "You broke my heart when you cheated on me with my best friend, you absolute bastard!"

A couple of people threw glances our way, frowning and glowering at Dallas.

"I promise, it was a one-time thing," Dallas replied. "I want you, it's always been you."

Some people awed.

As if.

I continued to run. We were pretty far from the lot.

When we were just twenty feet away from the men in black, Dallas grabbed my hand, pulling us to a stop.

"Kiss me." He whispered, pushing me against a light pole.

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