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My skin cooled as a middle-aged lady rubbed some salve onto my numerous burns.

She had auburn hair that was twisted into a tight bun at the base of her head. Her outfit looked like that of an old-fashioned nurse's.

"What is that?" I asked her as the pain of the burns slowly subsided. The transparent gel-like substance seemed to be working instantly.

"Aloe vera mixed with a little bit of burn ointment and numbing cream. It will help heal the skin," She paused frowning at my legs. "But there will still be scarring."

After the man in black interrupted and saved me from whatever Sebastian had planned, I was carried out of the room.

I had to be lifted by a man in black, having no ability to move myself.

I was carried up two sets of stairs and down numerous halls before I was finally placed on what seemed like a bed in an infirmary.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

The lady shrugged. "It was a direct order."

"From who?"

"The person who owns this manor."

"Ashley Romano?" I clarified.

The lady nodded.

"What does she want from me?"

"Honestly, dear, I have no idea. I just work here to give my children a life better than mine."

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I didn't. The lady now turned her attention to my arm. The blood had stopped pouring out, but I knew I'd need some stitches.

I watched as the lady pulled open a cabinet in the room. She rummaged around before finding what she needed. Turning around, she approached me with a long needle in hand.

"This will numb your shoulder for the stitches," She explained. "Ready?"

I shrugged, "Sure."

The needle wasn't too painful, within seconds the ache in my shoulder numbed.

I watched as she wiped down my arm with an alcohol swab and then worked quickly to stitch up my arm, this time, I didn't feel a thing.

"What now?" I asked once the stitches were done.

"Now, we let the aloe vera soak into your skin, bandage up your leg, and then the ladies-in-waiting will escort you to get dressed up and whatnot."

"Ladies-in-waiting?" I repeated almost laughing. "I didn't realize we were living in the medieval era."

"Believe me, Ms. Romano and her family love pretending they're royal. I think it's quite ridiculous. They're always stuck in the past." The lady snorted, before going serious. "Don't tell them I told you that."

I shook my head, "I don't have any desire to speak to anyone, don't you worry."

* * *

"Relax, we have no desire to do anything wrong," A brunette lady told me as I moved to cover up my exposed skin.

I was sitting, stark-naked, in a bath filled with bubbles.

Surprisingly, the burns on my legs did not seem affected by the water, perhaps the bandaging and aloe vera salve had some waterproofing effects.

Now in a new place, a bathroom that was larger than my room back in my apartment, I was being plucked and scrubbed clean by three what I assumed were ladies-in-waiting.

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